train speed


New member
I have read that if you don't post speed signs that the trains will run somewhere in the 30-40 mph range. Well I have place speed signs on my route ranging from 30-100mph and my train still only runs 37-39 mph and shows that my speed limit is under 40. How can I get the train to travel somewhere near the speed limit that I post?

You need signals as well (invisible ones will do).

Some stock just simply doesn't have the power for high speed, or is limited by Bloodnok's max speed rule.
I neglected to say this in my original post but I DO have signals. I have them every intersection, and, along with speed signs it seems that the route should be okay but there is obviously something wrong.
I'm having a similar problem. I'm modifying someone else's route and i altered the track layout in one place and my speed limits are set at 40 all the way back down the line to the portal but I haven't moved any of the previous speed signs.
I guess
1.) you have TRS04
2.) you talk about driving in AI.
There is a known bug in TRS04. Go into the config.txt of the locomotive you are using and increase the value in the line "mass" about 10 times. Then do some testing.
At least it worked for me.