Train sign post, M with T?


Out walking today and decided to walk down the old crappy tracks in Courtenay. After an intersection I noticed a sign like this:

it was yellow with a / through it. Looking back towards the intersection the sign was white without the /. What does it mean?
Could this be for the flanger so the crew knows when to raise or lower the blades? Down here we have a yellow, angled sign for this notification near switches and crossings.

Raise or lower the flanger blades? , man that is over my head. I love trains, know little about them but hopefully my new subscription to Classic Trains will help with that.
A termination indicator....not sure what the "M" means. Whatever the train is doing must stop doing it at that point from the yellow direction..
The train (for lack of better words) is normally a single or double Budd RDC and that is it, so no flangers or anything like that. The signs are in pretty good condition compared to the bent and faded sign marking Courtenay along the tracks. The signs are just before or after (depending on which direction you are going) a crossing which is controlled by lighted cross bucks. The distance as a guess would be about 300-500 feet.

The E&N as it runs:

On the Septa tracks near my house, they have signs with a W, then an M and an X, this is at a crossing that trains activate when they are in the station. I am thinking that the W is horn, possibly X is stop, I have no clue what M is.
I know the W is a horn sign X as well t i think the M I no dot know I know someone who would know I'll find out for you.
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The sign that dragonharh posted is exactly it, but one is yellow with a / though it (like no smoking sign). It is a single track and there is no station on the line with the white one, and there is a station about a mile away for the yellow one.
I posted your question on TO and the results are here, and while it didn't answer the original question, it did answer others.,3589980

Others such as the X can mean other things. Then that would make sense on the crossing near my house as there are two crossings in close proximity.
I emailed the E&N historical society to see if they know what it means. I know it doesn't mean quiet zones or anything like that as we heard the whistle at the crossing all the time when the train ran. Hopefully they will know and I will post back here.