Train Gates??


Trainz Legend
Hello all
Currently i am looknig for a siding gate that will beable to stop a train and not open as a train approaches??
Currently im useing these gates:

But it dosen't look right considering thats the entrance to government land and they normally had sercurity guards stop the train and inspect it...

Yea so does anyone know of a gate that can be open/closed with a rule etc??


Hi 0099,
Short answer NO. Even if you had gates that would stay closed a train would pass straight through them. The only thing that will stop a train under AI control is a red signal and it would be difficult to get any signal there to stay red. Any time the driver has a command that will take him past a certain point the signals will change unless the line is blocked or broken.
The best you can do is place a trackmark on the approach side of the gates and tell the driver to drive to the trackmark, stop train, wait 1 min, then drive to next destination. If the trackmark is close to the gates they might still open but the train will stop and wait for the given time.
If that is not suitable I can show you how to setup an invisible junction just beforee the gates with a signal that should stay red until the junction changes to clear the train through.

Hope this helps,
Well ill see with the trackmark theory first.
yea it just looks a tab unproto considering the trains are about to enter and area where they create ammo and you can guess why it dosen't look right the gate opening with the train 100 metres away:hehe:
Well ill see with the trackmark theory first.
yea it just looks a tab unproto considering the trains are about to enter and area where they create ammo and you can guess why it dosen't look right the gate opening with the train 100 metres away:hehe:

Hi 0099,
How did you get on with the trackmark setup? Does it do what you want?

It would probably take some scripting, but it could be done with a trigger and some scripting. Similar to when an AI train enters an interactive industry and the industry script takes control of the train to perform some loading or unloading function. The same theory should be able to animate the closing gates and stop the train. I'd give it a try, but I just don't know enough about scripting to feel confident that I could do it.
Well ive tried the trackmark thing and it works good enough at the moment...
Maybe once i learn GMAX enough i can make one for myself.
I could make one in Gmax, but the real problem is the scripting. I've been doing some studying on scripting and in particular, how the industry scripting works, but I'm just not confident yet that I could do the scripting required for it.