Trackmark Set for each Consist - HELP!


New member
I am VERY new at Trainz, i have created a basic layout and need to know- How do i set a trackmark for each consist to use my layout in "DRIVER" mode? :confused:
In Surveyor, go into Track mode, then click the rightmost circle icon for the Trackside specials including Trackmarks. Then click on the track, give the new Trackmark a name and turn it around if it's pointing the wrong way.

To slide a Trackmark past a spline point, click the middle circle (normal Trackside mode), click the move icon and drag it to where you want it.

HTH, John
One more thing: Moving the trackmark: If you are on the trackmark menu, and you want it to move it, sometimes it will not go past a spline point. But if you change to the menu where signals are, the you can move freely. Go back to the trackmark menu and open the menu that set's the radious of action. Should be set to 20 mts. but you can change it to .1 meter ! Very usable when you want to spot a cosist dead on at an exact place on the platform.
Thanx, but i have figured out that much, do i have to name it a special code, or do i need to put a command in a script file to tell it to start consist 0 in that place or umm...:confused:

and what would be the command, which file etc?
very confused, i am used to modding Locomotion & GTA-VC, so the script is very confusing, And the documentation doesnt tell me anything about how to get any further than a loop with a switch.

I have TRAINZ Ver 1.3.
I think i had that one so i could help you. You just place the trackmark down like explained and call it anything( no code or scripts ) it can be a station name or anything.

Then i THINK that you have to leave surveyor and go into driver mode and then you make a consist and place it at a trackmark. Or thats what i remember anyway.
You dont need trackmarks for consists to be placed. The consist will always appear at the point it was placed in surveyor or at the point that it was at if you saved the session. trackmarks are named at the time you place them in the top area of the window that appears after you place it. Trackmarks are used for you to to tell consists what point you want them to drive to or via in the same way as a station or industry.
Yea but i think its different for this version of trainz.
If i could find it i would show you what i mean.
Now that i can't remember.Ummmmmmmm im thinking as im typing:o
I think when your in the driver menu or surveyor ( i really can't remember ) you click a trackmark and then you make a consist down the bottom of the screen.

Please i have no idea this is what i can remeber and you should try asking this in the trainz 1.3 section of the forums.
After you have made your consist, click the terrain button and the DRIVER Terrain screen shows the list of routes available.
Click the one you want and you see the mini-map, click one of the trackmarks to place your consist.
Then click settings, choose ......
Then click Load