Track ? for surveyor

Both, there is track that comes with TRS2006 and also track on the DLS that you can download.

Please dont post multiple threads with the same question.

Both, there is track that comes with TRS2006 and also track on the DLS that you can download.

Please dont post multiple threads with the same question.


Sorry Had a little computer problem

Well I guess my install of TRS2006 did not load all the way can not find any fix track-straight,curved or turnouts
Switcher the fixed track is located under the scenery tab. You won't find it under track - strange but true. Due to the way it's made. Track tab has spline track.

Bob Pearson

But what is the purpose of the spline track and can you set minimum radii as my bends always look like crap?
G'day powelly,

Spline Track works almost identically to model railway "flexi-track". You locate each end where you want it (Trainz will lay a piece of straight track between those points) and you then place a new spline point in between these two points, which is then moved to a location to create a curve, based on the spacial relationship of the three points (in effect, a "three point arc"). Alternatively, you can create all three points at once and Trainz will create the curve in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, there are no 'tools' per se that allow one to "set" the radius of the curve prior to laying track (just like real flexi-track - which requires a template of some sort to obtain a given radius), however, there are plenty of such templates available for download from the DLS - this where these template 'owners' jump in and give you their spiels...

Jerker {:)}
Spiels follows...:D

Click on my sig for a collection of surveyor toolz, including track templates and other Trainz goodies. :)