Track delete problem


Running TC and I have a section of track that will not delete or allow track to be attached. It acts as if there was a train on the track but there isn't. I have also tried using the delete function in the train pullout in case there was something invisible on that section of track.

Any ideas??
Have you tried to attach a road spline to it and if it does ? then delete it.

I have had this problem but nothing I did would remove it.
lucky for me it was in a area that didn't interfere with other trackwork so I covered it with a building; like out of sight out of mind!

(1) Try the wirescreen view and look down vertically - if a vagrant bit of track has buried itself 500 feet down it isn't where you think it is in any other view, so you may be clicking 'delete' in the wrong place.

(2) If all else fails, try using the Scenery OBJECTS delete key - has been known to work.

Andy :)
Tried the wire screen view last night but could not see anything unsual. I will try the scenery object delete tonight. You could be correct because I also could not add a spline or adjust the spline height. Maybe the simple answer its a piece of fixed track I forgot I used.

Tried the wire screen view last night but could not see anything unsual. I will try the scenery object delete tonight. You could be correct because I also could not add a spline or adjust the spline height. Maybe the simple answer its a piece of fixed track I forgot I used.


Is it part of an Industry?