To austin316hockey


33 Year Old Railfan
I have a special request of you regarding your box girder bridge, which is the only one available (at least on the Download Station) for Trainz. I am doing some work on gawpo50's Norfolk and Western route included in Trainz 12 and I found that the bridge over the New River outside of Radford is a box girder bridge. However, I have run into a significant problem when I use your box girder bridge: the bridge's piers are too short. Can you make one whose bridge piers are longer?

Here's a picture of part of the bridge. I tried to find a place where you can see the whole bridge, but I couldn't find one.,-80.5837881,3a,75y,188.55h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sx6jggw9XYkaJQdAOi_HQ1Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
Topic moved out of Freeware Announcement as you are not announcing Freeware.

Have you considered sending a PM first?

Starting a topic for this usually is a waste of time as you have to be lucky if someone reads it. On the other hand, if you send someone a PM, in most cases that triggers an email being send to that person to inform him/her about it.

Note that the last time he/she was logged in on the forum was February.
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Well I stayed up late last night and my brain, at the time of starting the thread, was not functioning at 100% at the time.
You might want to look at his new bridges... they begin with RRTK, which will most likely fit the bill for what you need.

Here's the Kuid list and they're all available on the DLS.

<kuid:316:38051> RRTK 2T Through-truss Warren, 200ft
<kuid:316:400057> RRTK 2T Through-truss Pier
<kuid:316:400058> RRTK 2T Through-truss Abutment
<kuid:316:400061> RRTK 2T Swing Span 250ft
<kuid:316:400062> RRTK Bridge Track
<kuid:316:400063> RRTK Bridge Track (Spline)
<kuid:316:400066> RRTK 2T Parker 475ft
<kuid:316:400067> RRTK 1T Through-truss Warren A, 200ft
<kuid:316:400068> RRTK 1T Through-truss Abutment
<kuid:316:400069> RRTK 1T Through-truss Pier
<kuid:316:400070> RRTK 1T Through-truss Warren A, 150ft
<kuid:316:400071> RRTK 2T Through-truss Warren A, 150ft
<kuid:316:400072> RRTK 1T Through-truss Castleton, 250ft
<kuid:316:400073> RRTK 2T Through-truss Castleton, 250ft
<kuid:316:400074> RRTK 2T Through-truss Warren, 200ft (5m)
<kuid:316:400075> RRTK 2T Through-truss Pier 5m
<kuid:316:400076> RRTK 2T Through-truss Abutment 5m
<kuid:316:400077> RRTK 1T Underslung-truss Warren, 150ft <---- This one in particular is most similar to the one you pictured.
<kuid:316:400078> RRTK 2T Parker 475ft (5m)

Being bridge splines without piers and abutments, you can use which ever ones you are interested in. I would recommend these.

<kuid2:124017:30012:1> Bridge Support #1, old stone, single track
<kuid2:124017:30013:1> Bridge Support #2, old stone, single track