This a WIN10 problem, not a Win10 versus Trainz problem.


92 year oldTrainz veteran
I started off with a clean installation ofWin 7 Ultimate 64 0n a new C:\ 500gb SSD drive, then downloaded and installed the full Pro version of Win 10. Everything went well. I enjoyed the newness of it, some niggles but on the whole a good version.

Then it went sour!

The last two days have been spent with Win 10 repeatedly trying to download and install the same download, I forget the full number but it ends in 24. It has been downloaded 5 times, probably more, and each time it is reported as FAILED.I can find no way of stopping this so I have my main machine and web link tied up with useless repeated downloads of the same file. I have Googled for the problem, tried the various fixes, nothing helps.

Before I slit my wrists, take poison or revert to Win 7 (at the moment in that order) can anyone suggest anything that might help. If not I'll revert and postpone the upgrade for a couple of months or more.

Definitely "Help wanted"

Also auto updates can be turned off. click on start button and go to settings. on there go to 'update & security'. On the right side of the window (you may have to scroll down) you will see 'advanced settings'. They can be turned off there.

Shane:- I Did not see an error code just 'Failed to install on "+ date.

Malc.The download number was "Cumulative Update for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems (KB3081424)"

However something has changed. A update security update installed without an error, and also this:-. A note from Microsoft to the effect that "There were problems installing some updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this may help:
• Cumulative Update for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems (KB3081436) - Error 0x80200056"

It appears that the problem was pretty wide spread so before I do anything drastic with a knife I'll wait and see what happens. Naturally, if other of you have a suggestion I will try it

It may be worth running the Windows Update troubleshooter (Control Panel > Troubleshooting > Fix problems with Windows Update).

When you run the tool, click the Advanced link then click Run as Administrator, then click Next to let the tool diagnose and hopefully fix the issue.

One fix that has worked for many is removing bogus users from the registry, Nvidia's driver installer has apparently has been creating user profiles! which as they don't have any actual folders is causing issues with Windows updates, both before and after the Win 10 upgrade.

Have a look here May or may not help.

more on it here from a more official source

Incidentally this was one of the reasons for my failed Win 10 upgrades on one machine, add to that corrupt Windows update files, had to reinstall Win 7 in the end. The dodgy user was added if you installed the Nvidia update option, latest Nvidia installers have stopped doing this, so if it exists it's a left over from older driver installs. haven't bothered trying the upgrade again, had enough faffing around with PC's this week!

The update is worth having as it's stopped a load of error messages appearing in event viewer.

I had the loop issue with the update on one PC, I just did a hard reset on about the fifth loop on boot up, that seemed to clear it and it installed properly on the next attempt, and yes I did have the bogus profile, now removed.

Another grumble is if the Upgrade removed Media Centre why are there scheduled tasks for it! had to remove them all.
I found Windows 10 Upgrade from Windows 8.1 to be an utter nightmare.......
I went running back to Windows 8.1 as fast as I could get my running shoes back on........
Some get very lucky with it while many are having nightmares with it.........

Kudo's to those who want to deal with the many deep down issues that are being found and how it is making use of your computer to be stressful with little reward........
I only have issues with the new "Edge" browser and the "Store" feature. Both do not connect. However, IE 11 and Chrome and Firefox all do connect. Makes no sense.
I've just done some research on that particular update - it's created a faulty registry entry that prevents further attempts to install the update.

Unfortunately, there is no official fix yet by the looks of it.

I only have issues with the new "Edge" browser and the "Store" feature. Both do not connect. However, IE 11 and Chrome and Firefox all do connect. Makes no sense.

Edge is on the bleeding edge and I'll leave it at that. :)

The Store is new now and if you had previous programs installed under Windows 8.1, you can redownload them again via the store.

There's a Powershell script you can try. You need to use and administrator-level Powershell to do it. Copy this and paste into the admin-PS and hit enter. The screen will show a bunch-o-text, and the stuff may work afterwards. :)

Get-AppXPackage | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

I got this from one of the MS tech forums to fix broken downloads at one point and it worked.

The lesson learned here is don't install Windows 10 if you plan on using your comp for gaming. That operating system is too new and many games are not even made for it. The fact they have to give Windows 10 away raises a red flag. It must not be very good or they would be selling it.
The lesson learned here is don't install Windows 10 if you plan on using your comp for gaming. That operating system is too new and many games are not even made for it. The fact they have to give Windows 10 away raises a red flag. It must not be very good or they would be selling it.

Actually, the fact that they are giving it away to users of certain versions does not necessarily mean that the product is poor. It can actually be good economic sense in a way, and it helps distance Microsoft from Windows 8/8.1.

Edge is on the bleeding edge and I'll leave it at that. :)

The Store is new now and if you had previous programs installed under Windows 8.1, you can redownload them again via the store.

There's a Powershell script you can try. You need to use and administrator-level Powershell to do it. Copy this and paste into the admin-PS and hit enter. The screen will show a bunch-o-text, and the stuff may work afterwards. :)

Get-AppXPackage | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

I got this from one of the MS tech forums to fix broken downloads at one point and it worked.


Thanks, I'll give that a try.
I've just done some research on that particular update - it's created a faulty registry entry that prevents further attempts to install the update.

Unfortunately, there is no official fix yet by the looks of it.


I m pleased to tell you that MS seem to have fixed the problem. The following downloaded and installed correctly:-
~Cumulative Update for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems (KB3081436).

The following was installed first and may have been the actual fix:-
~Security Update for Internet Explorer Flash Player for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems (KB3087916)

Something else is downloading now but it does not hog the bandwidth so I can live with that.

The lesson learned here is don't install Windows 10 if you plan on using your comp for gaming. That operating system is too new and many games are not even made for it. The fact they have to give Windows 10 away raises a red flag. It must not be very good or they would be selling it.

I don't agree with this comment. I believe that much like T:AN CE, early users have become members of a wider field of Beta testers, and it is not as if we are paying $199 for it. If we don't like it we can dump it. My recent experience was caused by my particular setup, I think others had similar problems, MS have responded and fixed it.

Kudos to the MS bug fixers.

I like Win10, it has a nice feel about it BUT the new Microsoft always-on updating system has turned me right off.

The download light on my modem was flickering all day long and any actions on the computer lagged badly. I will load it again when hopefully the program has matured enough that updates are less frequent. I will give them kudos, the reversion back to WIN 7 worked well, a couple of DLLs went missing and some apps lost their keys. Nothing else.

Now I'll check back on my starting post and see what VN is doing..