The Restaurant's Waiter is . . . A TRAIN????

There was an old Lionel video that had a guy who had the living room and dining room filled with model trains, and had a train deliver a gravy boat, at the diner table, and the tipper car dumped gravy on the wifes lap ... lol !
There's a similar place called Fritz's in Kansas City, MO. I went there back in 2010.

In Ogdensburg, NY, there is also a restaurant called The Freight House (I've also been there) and the bar delivers your drinks in a G scale gondola! How cool is that?

On a similar note, who else is sick of "Sushi Train" places that just have a conveyor belt? I've only ever seen one with an actual train!

This is the 2nd video feature on the article I have a link to. You can see the video if you scroll down from the top of the article. Thank goodness for subtitles.
For those in Northeast IL / Southeast WI, there's a similar place in Des Plaines, IL, The Choochoo. For those connecting through Chicago ORD with a mid-day layover, this is quite close to the airport.

For those in Northeast IL / Southeast WI, there's a similar place in Des Plaines, IL, The Choochoo. For those connecting through Chicago ORD with a mid-day layover, this is quite close to the airport.


Ive been there many times when I was a kid during 90's Since I only live two town away from Des Plaines IL. Its still there and I went back last year for the first time since 2002 and it still runs classic postwar Lionel to server the customers.