The Need For Speed


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Good day guy's

I was thinking on making my trains speed and the Default Speed is not doing it for me.

How do I make my trains go faster? What file do I need to mass with to power up my loco?

I know How to speed up a MSTS train to 2000mph . But now I need to max out a Trainz Loco to madding speed.

Any one knows how?
One way is to start riving in cab around a circle with no brakes and it will slowely go up.

Two ( My way ) Edit the script of certain locos engine specks up to say 999999999999 and you can hit a few billion k's and hour :hehe: .

What file shod I Edit ?
I know in MSTS it the ENG File and if run MSTS and Trainz like I do Then you may have know I have made some power full locos that can do 5000+ MPH:eek: :eek:

This Loco Made 1913 MPH but I run out of line befor i coud think of stoping. Oh I have no brakes!!! It I working on some of the bug's :udrool: :udrool: :udrool:
I want a train that goes up to 9000 miles per second!!! Really, that would be great.:D :hehe: And VERY, VERY FUNNY!:hehe:
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Well if you play MSTS Train Simulator I can help!:) I Have made and uploaded 10 or so For super High speed Locos and I got 2 in the works:D
It a good thing I Like Speed I plane to make a loco go so fast it will crash the sim:confused: I know the max speed that MSTS locos can do is 4000MPH aney faster and it charse the game. I Made a Loco that can do 9000MPH in 30 Sce.:eek:

I Took a sceen shot but may have lost it at some point.

I'm going to made a Raceway for Trainz Sim called The West Die Speed Way 2 Just like the one i made for MSTS.
I made my train do 3701mph with 3 carragies on the back! It accellerates to 3000mph in less than a second.

What you do is you go into CMP (Content Manager Plus), Find the engine of your train, right click > edit > Edit in Content Creator Plus. When CCP loads, memorise what it says in enginespec. Shut down CCP and then press CTRL+M to commit the changes (although you made none!) Then search for what it said in enginespec, right click on "it" (the catagory should be "train") and go edit > edit in explorer. Then when explorer appears, double click on config and it will come up with notepad or something that displays loads of writing. Go Edit > Find and enter maxspeed. Edit the maxspeed value to your speed! Change the maxacceler value if you want to improve the accelleration.

I hope this helps :D
I made my train do 3701mph with 3 carragies on the back! It accellerates to 3000mph in less than a second.

What you do is you go into CMP (Content Manager Plus), Find the engine of your train, right click > edit > Edit in Content Creator Plus. When CCP loads, memorise what it says in enginespec. Shut down CCP and then press CTRL+M to commit the changes (although you made none!) Then search for what it said in enginespec, right click on "it" (the catagory should be "train") and go edit > edit in explorer. Then when explorer appears, double click on config and it will come up with notepad or something that displays loads of writing. Go Edit > Find and enter maxspeed. Edit the maxspeed value to your speed! Change the maxacceler value if you want to improve the accelleration.

I hope this helps :D

It may be a wise idea to clone the file, or at least copy a version of it out before you start messing with it.
Well if you play MSTS Train Simulator I can help!:) I Have made and uploaded 10 or so For super High speed Locos and I got 2 in the works:D

MSTS train simulator?

isn't that in the MSTS part (microsoft train simulator?)?

it doesn't make that much sense to me
Still Can't speed !!!

No matter what i do i can't get aney train to speed and it P*** me O** :'(

Hase someone uplaoded a super chareged train please let me know or some one PM me and show me how to make it work

Thare what i don't get
motor {
resistance 5
adhesion 3
maxvoltage 600
maxspeed 99999
brakeratio 50000
max-accel 90000
max-decel 17500
throttle-notches 32
axle-count 4
surface-area 80
moving-friction-coefficient 9
air-drag-coefficient 0
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I would like to find the rocket sled. I've been trying to find it for ages. Does anyone out there know what to type into the DLS to find it.
I would like to find the rocket sled. I've been trying to find it for ages. Does anyone out there know what to type into the DLS to find it.

If you did a little looking you would have found it; Its called "Jet Sled" All I did was search for "Sled"
