The Most Beautiful Loco in Trainz?

Although it is a beutiful loco, I stand to disagree, I belive in my mind that this is the better of the two....(although i think the other wins in the smoke department)

I downloaded it tonight even though I"m not a "kettle" man and its up there with greats.Is it possible to transfer that smoke to other trains ? I love it but I doubt whether many housewives would on washday!:p
I downloaded it tonight even though I"m not a "kettle" man and its up there with greats.Is it possible to transfer that smoke to other trains ?

It is not difficult.

Copy file humoCONFEDERADA.tfx from kuid:206245:2009 folder and paste in of loco folder you want.

Find in config.txt on loco you want, the tag of smoke helper point. Usually it is smoke0 tag and helper point name is a.smoke0, but they can be other.

Some as this:

smoke0 {
attachment "a.smoke0"
mode "speed"
color 10,10,10,255
accel 0,0,-0.2
start 0,2,4,6
rate 20,0,0,0
velocity 3,0,0,0
lifetime 1,0,0,0
minsize 0.2
maxsize 1.5,0,0,0

Replace tag with (you must use former tag and helper point names if they are not not smoke0 and a.smoke0)

smoke0 {
attachment "a.smoke0"
mode "stack"
file "humoCONFEDERADA.tfx"
color 0,0,0,0
enabled 1
inherit-velocity 0.0
scale 0.98


That´s all.

I must notice that, because it is "stack" mode, with some enginespec these smoke effect can be not very impressive...

Sorry my bad English.

i am learning spanish and i am current ly visting the spanish area to use what i learned to post there!
thanks for the loco i totaly forgot about it how could that happen!!!!?!?!
I'm not that big a fan of American steam but European steam is stunning, beaten by Australian steam and that is topped by Tasmanian steam... No bias there at all :p

But yes, in my opinion, the most beautiful loco in trs would be the M and MA class payware locos by

Simply stunning


Do not believe there is a most Beutifull loco in Trainz myself. There are such a wide variety of locos and they are all nice in thier own way imo. NS37 and Philc i think are top of the line as far as options like reality features gas, dynamics, cabs etc and also looks. Cloaked Ghost, Josheh all make beutifull locos imo. The Cowboy and Shane Stewart as well make very nice looking content. But its much different then others. Every one has thier own goods and bads and also have thier own style of painting, modeling and texturing techniques. But tis loco you show is a very nice one indeed.
Do not believe there is a most Beutifull loco in Trainz myself. There are such a wide variety of locos and they are all nice in thier own way imo. NS37 and Philc i think are top of the line as far as options like reality features gas, dynamics, cabs etc and also looks. Cloaked Ghost, Josheh all make beutifull locos imo. The Cowboy and Shane Stewart as well make very nice looking content. But its much different then others. Every one has thier own goods and bads and also have thier own style of painting, modeling and texturing techniques. But tis loco you show is a very nice one indeed.

SP, yours are the best. Hands down. So much detail, especially for freeware!
My vote would be for prowler's locos. i can't get enough of his K-27's and other locos! I must say though, I dont like European items much, but that Confederation is amazing in detail and the smoke is the best I've ever seen.

As mentioned by Warlrus earlier in the thread, that loco is the Tasmanian M class, it is available from .
It is payware, though it is well worth it, as it even includes a stunning cab with full working controls. The black livery in my shot however, is of my doing, as they only come in red and green. There isn't enough praise I can speak about it. Unfortunately, this creation hasn't got nearly enough recognition, as the locos from Tassie aren't that well known about...
Firstly, I admit to not being partial to European steam, however I can't deny that is one beautiful looking locomotive, Tony - certainly one of the best I've seen in Trainz/TRS.

I guess such judgments about THE best will always be an individual interpretation, with some influenced by native/regional bias. That's inevitable.

Me??......I have some of that native/regional bias, and similar to some of the other Aussie posters, I find it hard to look beyond the Tassie M/MA from pcrailways. The effort to go that extra mile and build one in the "proper" gauge also scores brownie points with me. ;)

Veering off topic slightly......that is one magnificent Screenshot, Jim.

Hi Guys,

Earlier in this thread, Javier mentioned how to use these smoke/steam effects on other engines.

These screens show the LNER P2 with these effects applied:-





These shots are unedited not retouched and are as "In game".

As many will be aware, the P2 is quite an old model and is originally UTC. But "Wolf of Badenauch" certainly scrubs up well with these effects.

Some engines, may require a little fiddling with the tag's as "Wolf" did. There is a slight mismatch between enginespec and the tfx files, but the effect is still really nice.

Javier has most kindly given me permission to use these files in my future updates until I can develope my own skills with these terrific effects.

Cheer's everyone,

BTW, The "Confederation" is "Freeware", comparing it to "payware", would have to be considered a high compliment indeed.

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Do not believe there is a most Beutifull loco in Trainz myself. There are such a wide variety of locos and they are all nice in thier own way imo. NS37 and Philc i think are top of the line as far as options like reality features gas, dynamics, cabs etc and also looks. Cloaked Ghost, Josheh all make beutifull locos imo. The Cowboy and Shane Stewart as well make very nice looking content. But its much different then others. Every one has thier own goods and bads and also have thier own style of painting, modeling and texturing techniques. But tis loco you show is a very nice one indeed.

I'd have to agree with SPORBUST really. Its horses for courses, and we all have different environments, and different terms of reference.

Looking at this RENFE locomotive, I have no rolling stock from Spain, yet I can appreciate form, line, structure and design and say that this is good, mind-blowing work that would have taken weeks if not months to achieve. Its a good looking locomotive! The artwork is both smooth and shiny, an interesting rendition.

I like SPORBUST's generosity here in pointing out that many people do really good work with reskinning, textures and creation in 3DSMax and GMax. While I am not an EMD fan, I can fully appreciate the artwork SPORBUST has put into his ACE's. Being a WP fan, I was thrilled when he released the WP version. Long live the Feather River Route!

Perchpole has done a wonderful job with his cab and his Peak locomotives. Iceman has made a teriffic cab and the list can go on. I like Margandy's work with his wagons, and yet, that fellow who made the track cleaner has his finger on the pulse of where design, form and structure are likely to go in the future. motorman1066 and a few others in that area make really great trams. I don't mind some of the DMSO and PTSO's some of the cousins have made.

I saw a cab in a Redbird in these forums the other day, which, for an electric traction cab, was utterly realistic.

Faithful rendition of a paint scheme is the fruit of hours in a graphics program. Some of the weathering-textures we see on locomotives and motive power are nothing short of brilliant work.

We can only celebrate the rich diversity we are offered here, freeware and payware, and appropriately acknowledge our excellent content creators. We have a rich diversity here, and although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I think we all help each other reach new heights of realism, all the time. Its a great environment.

What will dreddman make next? :D