The Loops


New member
I recently installed a new video card (Radeon 9600) which improved my running of trainz significantly. It was suggested that I download "The Loops" to give the new card a workout. This I did, all 181mb of it. Unfortunately, I can only operate a loco manually. If I instruct a driver to drive to a destination, the computer crashes every time with a "fatal error". The program took about an hour to download so I assume that I got all the assets and dependancies. Is there something I've missed??? I also tried to import "Loops" into TC but that was a dead loss, it just imported the base board!!
Is there a list of routes that can be downloaded directly into TC, as I have found when importing from TRS2006 to TC that ground texture is distorted and rolling stock does not import???
I have lost confidence in running TC until the experts come up with a service pack.

I am sorry you are having problems with the route but I am at a bit of a loss to tell you what might be going on here. The driver destination commands work perfectly well for me so I have not experienced your problem with the route. I can only tell you that in the past when I have had problems with routes crashing it has usually turned out to be a problem with some bit of rolling stock, a scripting error or something.
G'day George and Ron, Yes I did switch from Direct X to Gl and back. Made no difference.
I will try to give as much detail as possible as this has got me stumped.
I installed a loco at the Catawba Lumber Co siding ajacent to Junction 28596. Went into "quick trial" and instructed driver to drive to Woodchips - No problem. When I then instructed the driver to drive to Grier Lakes Pulp Mill - Fatal Error. The computer took some time (6-8 mins) to come back to surveyor.
On coming back to Surveyor with no vehicles, I installed a loco at a siding near the Grier Lakes Pulp Mill and instructed driver to drive to Gen Goods Pick-up - No Problem. When I then instructed the driver to drive to Catawba Lumber - Fatal Error.

I then decided to try something different. I installed a "small brick station" on a length of track not far from Grier Lake trying the same exercise again, but this time instructing the driver to drive from Gen Goods to the SMB station - Fatal Error.

Obviously, something is amiss and I don't think it has anything to do with the rolling stock. If you believe that it is a script error, then that exceeds the limited knowledge I have of troubleshooting in Trainz.

Can you offer any further advice????


PS I think I can get around the track routes but only if I am the driver (manually driven)
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I didn't realise you would be using the layout in TC, not TRS2006.

'The loops' is quite an indepth layout, and i wouldn't be surprised if it has some script errors in TC as it was made for 06.

I would suggest running this layout in 06 and downloading some other TC routes that have been made specifically for TC.
hi Oldgrandad

try deleting Catawba Lumber then save the route and get out of Tc.

start it all up again and place the industy as Catawba Lumber.
now try it again

thats about all i can suggest

G'day Alan, Ron & Nismit?,

Thanks for you assistance with my problem. I will try to answer your advisory messages in order!

1. RE Loops in TC. I only imported it from 06 into TC to see if it would run - It didn't, so I just stayed with it in trs2006. Sometimes one has a sudden rush of blood to the brain and comes up with a solution to whit: see if you missed anything in the original download of LOOPS. I had a look at trs2006\cache\internet and found a lot of CDPs, so I imported them all using CMP and the fatal errors departed - I hope.
2. With respect to the advice from the Forum Team, the answer to running smaller layouts is YES. I went into Task Manager as suggested and the following is a resume of what I found while in LOOPS manual driver control:-
PF usage 1.55GB, CPU 100%,
In Performance - Total 1578350
Limit 5082940
Peak 1802268
Trainz.exe 1,062,780k

The last three paragraphs of your e-mail, I'm afraid I don't understand as I am only a self taught novice on a computer and not up with the technology.

In addition my system has 2GB RAM witrh a 120GB HD. I can send a dxdiag if that would help!

To Conclude, I am able to run LOOPS with an average 17 - 25 fps and am very impressed with the layout. I think it is absolutely brilliant with the graphic textures. I can fully understand why Alan said to give it try to see if my new video card has what it takes. However, after supplying the above detail re performance, there maybe some serious limitations!!!!

Kind Regards,
