The Lady is a Tramp!


New member
hey all,, here is my current project,, finally ready for a first screening and she is far from complete. She she stillneeds tighting up, some minor details,, some crew, andOh and her runing lights.

she will be issued in a numer of names, paints and year configurations, 1890 to 1920.

Here for her debuit,, the Ladies are tramps,, tramp steamers that is, of
Ireland Lady class 1000 tonnes class


currently at 21000 polys,, will maybe even make a loco to carry cargos about.
And the crew.....

Whecsailor, that is a real ship!!!! You just need to add some accommodation for the stokers and junior deckhands on the poop and the white funnel band with a sky-blue trifork of the O. P. Andersen line and you will warm the hearts of many Scandinavian sailors.


This rag tag bunch of wierdos are the heroes of every Scandinavian sailor regardles of denomination - we all find something that we can relate to and laugh about..​


...and some interesting options in the animation department.​

Why? Check out IMDB

Captain Nielsen to his telegrapher Marius (who spends more time tending to his roses than working the radios).
... now you gotta get it right Marius, this is the only signal we ever get.
... but-ehr-ehr I cannot... ehr... it's... ah...
... easy now Marius it's no shame to be dyslexic

O. P. Andersen to a startled and somewhat intoxicated (to put it mildly) crew upon his suprise arrival in the middle of ship's boy Halfdan's 17th birthday celebration:
... and of course alcohol is banned aboard my ships.
... weeeeeeeeeeee cheers!!!
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Hello Yojimbo,,
Would you mind if I use that picture,, that fellow on the far right is a PERFECT texture!!!
Wow Mike,

She's gorgeous!.
What's 21,000 cockies between friends?.
Is that stern a little too much like the other pointy bit, or is that the way she's built?.
Yeh I know. I'm being really picky now. Sorry.

Once again Mike, very very nice.
Wow Mike,

She's gorgeous!.
What's 21,000 cockies between friends?.
Is that stern a little too much like the other pointy bit, or is that the way she's built?.
Yeh I know. I'm being really picky now. Sorry.

Once again Mike, very very nice.

That is pretty typical of the ships of the steamer age. They were still using the experiences from the hull designs of the best sailing ships until well into the 1920'ies.

I don't think Nordisk Film will mind - but be aware that you have chosen the Marius the dyslexic radio man thus your ships will be covered in roses and all signals will be utter gibberish.

I will dig around to see if I can come up with some more still from Martha if you need some grease monkeys and sailors too.

I nearly forgot: You will need a red and white Tuborg umbrella on the deck in front of the midships accomodations
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The purple is also a good texture. So which is yojimbo? :)



On the ground left to right:
Halfdan ship's boy (virgin at least initially), Hector Greek deckhand, Aias Greek deckhand
Master Peter Nielsen
Knud Jensen (pressed) machinist mate, Lone Andersen the owner's spoiled daughter, the Cook socialist firebrand, Alf (nervous) 1st machinist mate, Brovst outspoken chief engineer, Alexander greek stoker, Mr. Watson "creative" purser, Dyhrmand 1st. mate and self-proclaimed ladies' man and finally Marius Knudsen "sparks" hortoculturalist at heart.

As for me..... well....
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OOOooooooooooooooooooWWWwwHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im sure you can get tho pols lower wow nice ;) yes Whec driveable and indstury enabled we are close in the pink navy!;)
Wow whecsailor this will look excellent on steam-era routes! Very nice work.
If you're making it as a driveable ship would you also be able to make a static version to place in ports etc?


for Yojimbo


Ill look around for that film here,, never heard of it before but sounds like a really good movie.
Does MArtha look similar to her?? If not,, I am sure modifications can be made as long as Martha was a three island type.

You know me,, I love comedy in my objects!
for Pencil

Yes,, VERY much I would like to make her in all three verson,, static, regular UTC locomotive, and also a fully industrial interactive drivable to load/unload loco (2004) (And night windows PLEASE for the running lights

how could I best get this to you for your help!
the Gmax in not email sendable (190mb gmax file) but I can set her to disk and post to you if OK. or is there a better trick?

Would you like a sneak peek (i.e. a static cdp) htere may be parts here for your future ships or any repaints/rebuilds you might like to do.

:) Your logging ship was my inspiration for this one:)

On my loco versions,, I am intend to animate the forward boom to operate by opening the hatch,, pick up a cargo net of crates, and then lower to the dock. this will be via the pant button. Is this even a good thought with a Indust ineractive loco or more polys piled on for no real gain??

I can make an ok model,, but the configs get me every time!!!:eek:
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the Gmax in not email sendable (190mb gmax file) but I can set her to disk and post to you if OK. or is there a better trick?
Try zipping the gmax file - they tend to compress significantly. My carsoncarshops email account has a pretty high limit, but your email might have an outbound limit, also. If that doesn't work, we'll think of something else...

Would you like a sneak peek (i.e. a static cdp) htere may be parts here for your future ships or any repaints/rebuilds you might like to do.
Sure, that would be great! I'll test it against the dock - I'm guessing it is a little wider that the track I have there, so I'll add a second ship track a little further away.
:) Your logging ship was my inspiration for this one:)
I saw the plans for that little ship in the NG&SL Gazette, and couldn't resist :) I'm glad you liked it!

On my loco versions,, I am intend to animate the forward boom to operate by opening the hatch,, pick up a cargo net of crates, and then lower to the dock. this will be via the pant button. Is this even a good thought with a Indust ineractive loco or more polys piled on for no real gain??
That sounds like a neat effect! We could even tie it into the loading / unloading animations for the '04 version, so it would play the animation automatically.
For the '04 version, if you configure the entire ship as a dynamic load (think a load of coal in a gondola), you can even have the ship sink into the water as it loads :D
