The D&RGW narrow gauge (again )

The Durango to Silverton Dem from Fishlipsat work I have as a cdp I remember the red apple flyer and know the Route from Durago to Faminton
Whoa - neat. The Farmington route looks to branch off the line to Chama a little east of Durango and goes mostly thru New Mexico. Looks to be 40 to 45 miles long. Another "not to big" potential route.

The "Chili" line would be interesting but its around 100 miles long.

I made some years ago. If I remember correctly I made 2 versions - loaded and empty. Just the basic traincar - nothing fancy. Someone else may have made more detailed versions since I made mine.

kuid2:210518:6037:1 empty
kuid2:210518:6038:1 loaded

They are for TRS2004 but should go into later versions with a few small modifications to the config file and re-doing the way bogeys are done.

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Yay! Congrats Talon! Now for first update: I have reached Lobato trestle! Now, building this using only Google Earth (and even at that, in street view the track is covered in snow -_-) and yard maps. I know I have a LONG way to go, but it's a start. I still have a lot of landscaping and scenery to do, but it's a start! Will post pics as soon as I can figure out how (guess you need a website that already hostsent them first? Oh well). Stay tuned!