Thank You JointedRail


Due to a few recent posts about people complaining about freeware, I just wanted to post a quick Thank You thread. You guys don't get enough thanks for the hours you put into making tons of top notch free stuff for us. If you guys quit making free content entirely I honestly wouldn't question for a second why you chose to do so. Pretty sad times around these parts. The amount of entitled and thankless users are off the charts.

Merry Christmas to all! (unless that saying offends you, but either way, I don't care if it does)
Yes I agree, JR makes really nice stuff. I own quite a bit of it. Then there is the freeware, they have as much freeware as they do payware. All are good stuff.
Yes, Thank You for all the great freeware and payware assets! Happy Holidays.

Now I'm going back to playing the Legacy of the BN II.
I agree with all above, happy holidays ( I think that's right these days).
I have a question about Legacy of the BN.
Is it possible to install it into Tane std and what would be missing?
Many thanks to the jointedrail team for all the wonders that have been brought to the community! Thank you very much and have a wonderful Christmas Eve/Day!
Merry Christmas to Jointed Rail and all of the contributing members and thank you all for the amazing content.
