Texture Quality in Trainz 2010 EE


New member
I have just brought Trainz 2010 EE and I have noticed that there are quite huge differences in the quality of the textures on the trains.

In the tutorials for instance the trains are outstanding in terms of detail but when choosing some of them in the routes they look like they were created 8 years ago i.e. no details or definition in the shapes etc.

Is this just my graphics card or is something wrong with my game install?

Computer specs are:

Intel Q9640
Asus P5Q Deluxe
4GB Corsair Dominator
Nvidia GTX 570 (Graphics)
Nvidia GTX 460 (Physx)
Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit

All drivers etc are up to date.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Try adjusting your detail sliders under graphics settings, although I don't know why it would vary from a tutorial to another in game situation.
In the tutorials for instance the trains are outstanding in terms of detail but when choosing some of them in the routes they look like they were created 8 years ago i.e. no details or definition in the shapes etc.

Not all content is created equally :)

It's entirely possible that you're loading something that WAS created 8 years ago... thankfully the amount of 'truely stunning' content is growing all the time, pretty much most regions have their fair share of stunning content now - the russians with their mind-numbingly awesome ChS8 and ChS4 models, among others, the polish their their CD 750 (as I call it the bender-mobile - since the front looks so much like bender from futurama :), the chinese with pretty much anything made by Ocemy (such as the chinese export version of the C36-7 that you saw in the tutorials), and so on and so on...

You just have to either be choosey with your choice of locomotives and stock, or accept that not everything is quite at the same level of detail, yet.