Texture Problem


New member
I've been working on a new route for the past 4 weeks or so and now something has changed with my texture applications. I used to be able to have a nice smooth transition between textures but now the textures are applied in a very spotty manner. In addition, when I had previously spun the direction while texturing, the compass would spin very smoothly. Now it seems to hesitate for a split second at each quarter turn. This all happens even if I start a brand new route on a clean board.

I have TANE Build 84473 from STEAM. I did a STEAM validation of the application but still the same. I did stuff like rebuild the database. My asset library is currently showing no errors. Don't know what elese to do at this point.

Any ideas would be appreciated as I would hate to wipe the application and reload from scratch.
I'm not persuaded that it is a problem that is going to be solved by re-installing the software. My first guess is that is an available memory issue, but I can't say that for sure without more information about your system.

First, thanks very much for responding.

Here's what I've got:

AMD Phenom II x4 965 3.40 Ghz (not overclocked)
16 GB Main Memory
NVidia GeForce GTX 750Ti 2GB Ram
Samsung SSD 850 EVO 1TB (still lots of room)
Win10 x64 OS

No changes to any of the above between the time things were good and now.
I don't think reinstalling will help.

T:ANE does seem to have a hesitation when spinning textures with the [ ,] keys. The little compass used to spin round and round easily before, but now it skips back and forth.

My recommendation is to report this as a bug so it can be addressed either in SP2 (probably not), but perhaps in a future hot fix.
Then do you think that the problem I have where the textures are not aligning perfectly with the grid as opposed to how they used to seem to line up irrespective of the grid lines is related to the radical compass stutter I have now?

Also, wouldn't a software bug in the application been present at an earlier time considering I haven't updated the build between these times?
I decided to remove and reload TANE from Steam and while it was downloading I just started reading various posts at random. One of the posts I found described a problem I also had seen which was once in awhile a texture wouldn't "take" but if the route was saved and reloaded the texture would be there. I kept that in mind when the the total reload of the app didn't fix my problem.

The post in question found the problem to be a switch from 5m to 10m (or vice-versa). Sure enough somehow the board I was working on got switched from my 5m setting to 10m. I reset back to 5m and adjoining overlapping textures blend well once more. And the compass spins like a top when I want to churn up individual texture applications.

By the way, I can't find that post again to link so now I have to wonder if it was some kind of divine intervention...

Thanks again to all who read and respond.
Switching between the grid resolutions can cause odd results due to how the textures are applied to the surface. When the 5m grid first came out, I switched a rather nice baseboard on a route and ended up with a mess afterwards which required a deletion and rebuilding of that section, and this section never was as good as the original. When I switched to the 5m grid, the textures became squares (rectangles) which aligned with the grid and lost their blending, and no matter how much I tried retexturing that section, I could never get the textures to "stick".

The other problems mentioned in the forums have to do with various other things that might be occurring including corrupt textures, placing them on the incorrect layer, or any variation in between.

The problem I mentioned, though does exist and it was brought up in the early betas, but apparently was never quite fixed and is still a problem today.

And yeah, searching for old posts with the V-bulletin form software is a case of banging one's head against the wall! Sometimes it's easier to use Google or Bing to search for stuff than it is to attempt a forum search.