TC Again


New member
I need someone to give me an experienced explanation of why “TC” was foisted upon the public. I have loaded, unloaded, threw it in the trash, retrieved it from the trash and reloaded it again. As far as I can see there are no redeeming features in the program. Now I am brand new at this “Trainz” world, but I have thoroughly enjoyed TR2006 for the past few months. But I keep going back to “TC” to see if I am missing something. There has got to be something there besides ready made layouts. What am I missing??

Its got all the same serveyer features that can be found in TRS06, try your hand a building a layout with just the trains and objects within the game, it operates a little more smoothly that TRS2006, I have TRS2006, 2004 and UTC, and also TC, there isn't as much content in TC and as a result, it operates just a tad better than earlier versions, you can download any objects you need for future layouts, the one downside is, much of the non-included content would need to be moved over to TC from TRS2006 in order for other downloaded layouts to work, since most of the dependencies for those would be found in earlier versions........:) :)

Thank You betsey662.
Theres the rub. I have not been able to transfer one iota of content from TR2006 to TC. Do you have an magic wand?
Again, Thanks for the reply.

Thanks Paul
You have to remember that I am a newbie to Trainz and a *.ja file is not a familar term to me. Yes I found them in TR2006. But then I get ignorant as hell.
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