Tank Car Loaders On The DLS


Active member
Anybody have any Kuid numbers for assets that you place next to the tracks on my route in a refinery so as to load tank cars in bulk? I have Single Tank Car Unloaders but need the assets that have multiple nozzles that you park multiple tank cars under --- this is for another part of the refinery plus a nearby refinery. Typed up the keywords "Tank Loader" and saw two assets I already have but aren't the ones I'm looking for. Any Kuid numbers or extra key words as suggestions?


- RR70
<kuid2:368725:25000:7> LiquidsLoader check this one out, IT shows 3 loaders hoses in Row?

Im in the middle of doing a huge rebuild from TRS19 to TRS 22 PE, if I see something else, I add it here for you. ;)
<kuid2:368725:25000:7> LiquidsLoader check this one out, IT shows 3 loaders hoses in Row?

Im in the middle of doing a huge rebuild from TRS19 to TRS 22 PE, if I see something else, I add it here for you. ;)
Ok, I will check it out. Thanks for your input and thanks for offering additional help too! Have fun with your route and happy building!

- Tom (RR70)
I typed up the Kuid# of kuid2:368725:25000:7 and nothing came up. Then I typed up LiquidsLoader and nothing came up either. Not sure what's going on. I had a spline that would extend tank car loading bays but can't find it now. Strange.
<kuid2:368725:25000:7> LiquidsLoader shows for me as packaged in the payware route <kuid2:69379:100011:63> Loop Line
<kuid2:368725:25000:7> LiquidsLoader shows for me as packaged in the payware route <kuid2:69379:100011:63> Loop Line
username "LiquidsLoader"
kuid <kuid2:368725:25000:7>
kind "industry"
category-class "BIN"
category-region "UK"
trainz-build 3.7
author "Leigh Stokes (ElStoko)"
organisation "rail-sim"
contact-website "http://www.rail-sim.co.uk/"
license "This item supplied by rail-sim for use within Trainz TS12. No warranty is given nor any liability accepted for any damage which may be caused by the use of this item. No re-distribution, re-skinning, or modification is allowed without the prior permission of rail-sim."
nightmode "lamp"
light 1
height-range -1,1
script "multiple_liquid_loads_v4"
class "multiple_liquid_loads"
description "An interactive industry that has 3 liquid commodities for loading to tanker wagons.

An interactive industry that has 3 liquid commodities for loading to tanker wagons.
In this case the liquid by-products are tar, light oils and sulphuric acid.
Light oils and sulphuric acid are produced from distillations of cooled coking gas. Tar is mainly recovered from the liquor generated by the primary cooling of the coking gas, rather than from the cooled gas. Since liquor is produced in proportion to gas, the latter is used as a surrogate input for the production of tar.
This asset has been created as a part of a set which covers the operations of a coking plant at a steel works. The building scenery representing the plant required to convert coking gas and liquor into the liquid outputs are: 'Coking gas by-products bldg' <kuid:368725:20016>, 'Coking gas by-products external plant' <kuid:368725:20017>, 'Coking liquids by-products bldg' <kuid:368725:20018> and 'Coking liquids by-products external plant' <kuid:368725:20019>.
For the replenishment of the coking gas input, this asset MUST be used in conjunction with 'CokeOvens' <kuid:84609:28905>.
Each liquid commodity has been assigned to 1 of 3 loading pipes. A loading pipe will rotate down into the filling port on top of a tanker that has triggered the loading activity.
Note that only one tanker will be filled at each stopped load because (a) each loading pipe supplies a different commodity and (b) the spacing between the loading pipes does not support simultaneous loading.
When loading under manual user control rather than by AI command, check View Details in Driver mode and toggle the 'Passive load' parameter to 'enabled' if required.
There is only one loading track for all 3 commodities. Which commodity is loaded under AI control to a tanker is determined by the type of load a tanker can carry. If a tanker can carry more than one of the 3 commodities, then it will be randomly assigned to one of them.
Coal gas is offerred for use by the coking ovens' script sending a message. A message handler in this asset's script detects these messages and increments the stock of gas.
To enable the successful exchange of messages between the coal processing plant, up to 3 dependent coke oven batteries, a liquids loading platform and an ammonium sulphate fertilizer plant, a strict naming convention must be followed.
Each set of processing plant,up to 3 oven batteries, liquids loader and fertilizer plant must be given a unique name that you must specify by using Edit Properties in Surveyor.
The unique names consist of 3 parts separated by a blank spaces: a unique ID prefix, an asset-type ID and an asset number suffix for up to 3 coke ovens only. The ID is a name you give to a set. The asset-type ID is either 'CoalProcessing', 'CokeOvens', 'LiquidsLoader' or 'FertilizerPlant'. The asset number suffix for the coke ovens is '1', '2' or '3'.
For example, if the set name is 'Shelton', the asset type is 'LiquidsLoader', the unique name to enter is 'Shelton LiquidsLoader'.
When fitting this asset to a route, use 5mph speed limit signs on its approaches to help with alignment between the loading arms and the tanker loading apertures.
Sorry I see it as packaged, but doesn't show Payware on mine? I gave you all the info I have on it. Made by Elstoko. You might want to goto to his Website in UK.

contact-website "http://www.rail-sim.co.uk/"

Update I just read something that made some sense. I think I purchased the Potteries Loop Line long ago.

Potteries Loop Line is the payware Route it comes from I'll bet, I didn't know they called the Potteries line, the Loop Line.....

Potteries Loop Line will give the purchaser days of absorbing interest with its large variety of industries and sessions. It is set in the UK in the 1930s and is simply crammed with content you can use. If you are looking for an immersive experience you should look no further than this. This is not your typical Trainz Route.

There is no sitting back watching your train wending through breathtaking mountains and forests for 100 miles. The scenery on this 10 mile route won't impress you unless rows of terrace houses, factories and slag heaps appeal. It is the working industries that are the heart of Potteries Loop Line and those you will get in this package are:-

* Fourteen interactive stations for the intensive and sharply timed passenger trains.

* An integrated iron and steel works with 3 sets of coke ovens, 3 blast furnaces, a slag tip, a steel plant and rolling mill plus by products and fertiliser plant. All these are animated and require servicing with supply of raw materials and removal of end products.

* Six collieries with working winding gear and gravity loading wagons at the colliery screens. They also include working aerial ropeways to transfer the waste stone to the colliery tips.

* Three brick works and tileries with working clay pits, pressing sheds, two types of kiln and despatch sheds connected by narrow and/or standard gauge railway.

* One stand alone working coke oven battery and one gas works requiring coal delivery and coke removal.

* Four iron foundries consuming pig iron, coke and steel scrap and producing castings for removal.

One of these is directly connected to rail; the others have their needs met by driveable lorries connected to road / rail transfers.

* A motive power depot with ash plant, coaling tower plus watering and turning facilities.

* A large central goods depot capable of handling a range of incoming and outgoing commodities.

We are proud to include the Signal Box rule which will enable you to take on the role of a signalman controlling one of several signal boxes, accepting, routing and forwarding trains using bell signals. This is a realistic simulation of the work of signalmen before the introduction of power boxes.

To service all these industries you will get a wide variety of motive power, 7 types of main line steam locomotives plus 7 more industrial types, of which two are diesel narrow gauge.

For rolling stock, as well as main line and local passenger railway carriages, the Potteries Loop Line package will deliver to you 6 types of goods van, 5 tankers, 2 flat wagons and 13 different seven plank wagons. To complete the rolling stock there are also brake vans, 3 special wagons for use within the steelworks, 3 types of narrow gauge wagons and a ropeway skip.

There are no less than 35 sessions provided with the Potteries Loop Line. 11 are associated with the Signal Box Rule whilst the other 24 cover different areas of the route, mostly servicing the industries already described and exploring the private and industrial lines that proliferated in the Potteries up to the 1960s.

For further information about the Potteries Loop Line please visit our website.

Potteries Loop Line was originally released by the Rail-sim.co.uk team in 2014 for Trainz Simulator 12 and remains largely faithful to the original. The updated release is the result of tireless efforts over several years to make the content compatible with the latest Trainz releases and functional as originally intended.
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username "LiquidsLoader"
kuid <kuid2:368725:25000:7>
kind "industry"
category-class "BIN"
category-region "UK"
trainz-build 3.7
author "Leigh Stokes (ElStoko)"
organisation "rail-sim"
contact-website "http://www.rail-sim.co.uk/"
license "This item supplied by rail-sim for use within Trainz TS12. No warranty is given nor any liability accepted for any damage which may be caused by the use of this item. No re-distribution, re-skinning, or modification is allowed without the prior permission of rail-sim."
nightmode "lamp"
light 1
height-range -1,1
script "multiple_liquid_loads_v4"
class "multiple_liquid_loads"
description "An interactive industry that has 3 liquid commodities for loading to tanker wagons.

An interactive industry that has 3 liquid commodities for loading to tanker wagons.
In this case the liquid by-products are tar, light oils and sulphuric acid.
Light oils and sulphuric acid are produced from distillations of cooled coking gas. Tar is mainly recovered from the liquor generated by the primary cooling of the coking gas, rather than from the cooled gas. Since liquor is produced in proportion to gas, the latter is used as a surrogate input for the production of tar.
This asset has been created as a part of a set which covers the operations of a coking plant at a steel works. The building scenery representing the plant required to convert coking gas and liquor into the liquid outputs are: 'Coking gas by-products bldg' <kuid:368725:20016>, 'Coking gas by-products external plant' <kuid:368725:20017>, 'Coking liquids by-products bldg' <kuid:368725:20018> and 'Coking liquids by-products external plant' <kuid:368725:20019>.
For the replenishment of the coking gas input, this asset MUST be used in conjunction with 'CokeOvens' <kuid:84609:28905>.
Each liquid commodity has been assigned to 1 of 3 loading pipes. A loading pipe will rotate down into the filling port on top of a tanker that has triggered the loading activity.
Note that only one tanker will be filled at each stopped load because (a) each loading pipe supplies a different commodity and (b) the spacing between the loading pipes does not support simultaneous loading.
When loading under manual user control rather than by AI command, check View Details in Driver mode and toggle the 'Passive load' parameter to 'enabled' if required.
There is only one loading track for all 3 commodities. Which commodity is loaded under AI control to a tanker is determined by the type of load a tanker can carry. If a tanker can carry more than one of the 3 commodities, then it will be randomly assigned to one of them.
Coal gas is offerred for use by the coking ovens' script sending a message. A message handler in this asset's script detects these messages and increments the stock of gas.
To enable the successful exchange of messages between the coal processing plant, up to 3 dependent coke oven batteries, a liquids loading platform and an ammonium sulphate fertilizer plant, a strict naming convention must be followed.
Each set of processing plant,up to 3 oven batteries, liquids loader and fertilizer plant must be given a unique name that you must specify by using Edit Properties in Surveyor.
The unique names consist of 3 parts separated by a blank spaces: a unique ID prefix, an asset-type ID and an asset number suffix for up to 3 coke ovens only. The ID is a name you give to a set. The asset-type ID is either 'CoalProcessing', 'CokeOvens', 'LiquidsLoader' or 'FertilizerPlant'. The asset number suffix for the coke ovens is '1', '2' or '3'.
For example, if the set name is 'Shelton', the asset type is 'LiquidsLoader', the unique name to enter is 'Shelton LiquidsLoader'.
When fitting this asset to a route, use 5mph speed limit signs on its approaches to help with alignment between the loading arms and the tanker loading apertures.
Excellent analysis! Thanks for the detailed description. It's really helpful. 👍