TANE Trouble


Well-known member
The trouble isn't the game itself, but some assets from the S&C addon that I imported from TS 2009. Many of them have lots of unconverted textures and converting all of them will take forever.

I tried to use images2tga, which works, until I found out about trawling. I've no idea how to do trawling with TANE. IF possible, can somebody please help me?
You could be wasting your time. I'm sure I read a post by N3V that few, if any, of the DLC work at present. I've not tried to download any. I bought S&C a long time ago but still could download it as DLC in TS12 so I would expect it to be the same for T:ANE. i.e. N3V should make it compatible with T:ANE.

You may be able to correct these assets via AssetX as the Images2TGA capability is built in to AssetX. AssetX doesn't know about T:ANE so you can get odd errors but I'm using it every day with T:ANE.

I believe Ian Woodmore is working on his TARDIS script for AssetX for T:ANE.