Tane Thing

No I was referring to the screenshots that I've seen so far of TANE. Only one looked "natural" to me the others seeming rather artificial. But I will reserve judgement until I see users upload screenshots from the finished product. To quote the old Chinese proverb I will "be not the first to take up the new nor yet the last to cast the old aside".
No I was referring to the screenshots that I've seen so far of TANE. Only one looked "natural" to me the others seeming rather artificial. But I will reserve judgement until I see users upload screenshots from the finished product. To quote the old Chinese proverb I will "be not the first to take up the new nor yet the last to cast the old aside".
I think some of this is based off of route quality and the quality of the person taking the screenshot as well. As much as I hate to say it, while most built-in route operational wise are exceptionally well, but visually to me have always been suspect. However, TS12 actually stepped up the game. There are really good built-in routes for 12 which made me smile. While I won't be getting TANE because I don't have a PC to run it, one day, I might make the investment after I see how the actual operational side of the game is. Operation for me takes presedence over graphics. You need a stable game to run those pretty graphics first!!!! I'll take improvments on the new graphics engine after I am sure the game is stable and I can even run a train on it.
Also don't forget that not everybody takes screenshots that demonstrate true wonders. With the right person, I've seen MSTS shots that make me do double takes, and those are graphics from 2002 timeframe, back when I didn't even know what a graphics card was LOL! Every trainsimulator can look real, it's up to the person to make it so. :)
Got an email this morning :D

Good Morning KevinUnfortunately, it appears that our system has not automatically added your Community Edition access. I have passed this on to our team to look into for you, and will let you know when your account is setup with T:ANE CE access.

So as I stated above, nothing to do with pledge level, ALL Kickstart supporters are entitled.