t ane


New member
tryed playing on trainz new era it keeps jerking badly can not do any thing any one help tryed my video
card drivers but it says i have latest ones.
tryed playing on trainz new era it keeps jerking badly can not do any thing any one help tryed my video
card drivers but it says i have latest ones.

What kind of system do you have?

It would help if we had what kind of processor, video card, an how much memory because we can then assist you with tweaking or perhaps upgrading your rig.

It helps too to set the sliders back a bit. I found I get really great frame rates with the distance set to 7500 meters instead of the 15K, and the shadows back and to 2048.

The rest of the sliders are on full.

But to make suggestions we need that info from you.

Something else to try would be to turn shadows off entirely. If your system is on the low end of "Meets requirements", Turning Shadows off should boost performance quite a bit. If your system is seriously dated or old, theres nothing we can say that will help you, but as John (Jcitron) pointed out, we'd need to know more about your system in the first place.

INTEL R CORE (TM) i5-23020 CPU @ 300 HGz 300 GHz

memory ram 4.00 GB

video AMD RADEON HD 6450 will that help binrat
Sorry to say, your systems out of date. Your CPU is a 2nd Gen Quad core that Intel lists as "End of Life", and you have half the recommended minimum RAM. Your GPU is dated, but possibly servicable if put into a newer computer, though I would suggest getting a new one because that one will never keep up with the newer bits of TANE that set it apart from TS12.

Hate to be the bearer of that news, but there ya go. Theres lots of things you can do to upgrade or get a new computer, and we can talk about that if you want, but the actual purchasing will have to be done by you.

Good Luck,