T:ANE Session Timetables [Unofficial]


New member
So after a perfect first run of the Healesville Down Mixed in Driver, I was really annoyed by the fact my first Up Excursion Train was scored at one star and I could never seem to be ready to leave Yarra Glen on time on the Up Mixed (despite finishing shunting at Healesville 5m early). Frustrated that I've had no timetable to work off thus far (and the apparent lack thereof according to google or the forum search), I took a look at the session rules/code and put together a simple timeable on google sheets.

Currently contains:

Kickstarter County

  • Morning Run
  • Trees for Life
  • Fossil Fuels

  • Down Excursion (Cup Day)
  • Down Mixed
  • Up Excursion (Cup Day)
  • Up Mixed
  • Christmas 2015

Warwick - Wallangarra

  • Freight Run
  • Passenger Run

Coming soon:

  • ECML Kings Cross - Edinburgh?

It's far from an actual working timetable, but it's a start. The plan is to update the sheet (and this post) after I try each session. (Why spoil the possible surprises the developers had in mind?)

Admittedly I haven't looked at any of the sessions on other routes so I'm not sure if this'll be necessary for other routes. Uhehe.
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This is a great contribution! I must admit that I have never been quite committed enough to even attempt to earn achievements in all the time I have used Trainz. I supposed that I was too interested in dabbling a little here and there, but your point is well made in that most times the simple session instructions aren't enough to help the driver be successful, and driving simply becomes too frustrating.

Many routes have no map included (thanks to those who got to all the extra work to distribute ones), and many of the sessions are either hand-held, as in Kickstarter County, or very confusing (as in many other routes).

Any help that drivers provide to make the experience more enjoyable for others is greatly appreciated!
No worries! Truthfully, I was quite worried I'd be stepping on someone's toes in this project uheh.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'map' though, I know back when scenarios were a thing there were little diagrams attached to the timetable that showed where stock was/was to go. Is that what you mean? I know what you mean about the handholding though... honestly after switching to cab controls for general use, then spending all that time on the Healesville line it was a bit disconcerting to be stuck with DCC! At least we can set our own points though hahah.
What little there is to say about the Christmas Special '15 (Healesville) or the Morning Run (Kickstarter County) is now up.
As KC is Highland Valley's spiritual successor, I'm using 'North' and 'South' in the same way.
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Its interesting you raise this, as I have been spending time in ECML, and wondering if I am on time or late in the sessions I created.
I found all the WTT's for this route, but they are all for 125mph trains, and not 100mph trains, which ECML runs. Well.
So I have no idea if I am on time or not. Using a 125 timetable, I find I am 23 minutes down at York, after running at 100mph.
So I think this kind of project is noteworthy.

Well I've done goofed. Even though it's in the tutorials, with all the new UI and message boxes I'd forgotten the objective at the top-right can be clicked. That's where all the Healesville timetables are stored, and where all the other vital information is too, so that's a huge chunk of my motivation for this project gone.

Now that I'm aware of this, from here on out I'll only update this thread if I find cases where there are deadlines etc and aren't readily available to the user driver.
That said, the other two built-in sessions from Kickstarter County should have their info up.
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Hi Steams
Actually I think your project here might be useful for some members :)

When I originally created the sessions for Healesville, I had intended to include a 'complete' timetable when you first loaded the session. Unfortunately, it just made the popups to long to be useful. I think I did note in the information when you first load the sessions that timetable and other info is in the objectives, but the sessions were made about 18 months ago so I might not have included it in the final versions.

However, your spreadsheet is definitely easy to print out for reference either whilst waiting at stations, or to help plan ahead. I'll pull up the sessions tomorrow afternoon and confirm the times for you as the rule setup was fairly complex to handle ontime vs late running.

I did try to pad out the times a little, but you'll need to work the train fairly hard to keep on time the whole way. I'm not 100% sure how it'll go in DCC mode though, most of my development and testing was in CAB mode :)


Thanks for your perspective Zec, at the time I didn't consider things that way. I've also been sticking to driver for my playthroughs and I've gotta hand it to ya, you set quite the challenge if the player's aiming for all five stars. Off the top of my head, I'd almost finished your Up Mixed, though I actually ran out... of steam... 3/4 through... :o
I love myself a challenge though and I look forward to my next attempt.


I went on a bit of a hiatus from T:ANE and when I came back it glitched, unglitched, forgot what it had done, remembered and all the other fun and games that comes with an 'online' game trying to survive without a constant connection to the internet, hahaa.

This update features the MASSIVE* Warwick - Wallangara line, and it's two stock sessions. A word of caution! Be careful to follow the directions therein to the letter and in order, my first attempt at 'Freight Run' had me arrive into a different siding than intended and I missed out on 100 points! Combined with picking the wrong line at Silverwood, I wound up 10 points short of the 5 star rating, even though I'd technically had a flawless run. (I'll admit to using the AI driver between stations on my re-attempt; 'Freight Run' can take three real hours to complete!)
(*at least in the sheer number of baseboards involved)

I also had a go at the 'Passenger Run', though as per my note I accidentally pressed the shortcut for the independent brake whilst climbing a hill. As I was effectively stuck at 10mph below the limit, I wound up being a few minutes late to the first stop. :o I'm only 55% sure that Warwick would be the 'up' end of the line, let alone if 'up' is even the term used, thus the quotation marks on the sheet.

Anyway, the sheet's updated with stations and stops along the line. After going back to Lilydale/Healesville, I think I'd like to try the Edinborough Line... unless there's any requests? (No Payware though, sorry!)
Actually, I think for the foreseeable future I'm done with this project. Might update it later with some notes from my experiences with realistic controls, however for the times themselves, usually the one objective supplies all the information and isn't removed until there's no further need for it. (ECML being a prime example.) I still have two routes left to try, however I think they're dependent on TS12 content I don't have or something as half or more of the objects appear missing.

I've kinda been scared away from the ECML, if only because the sessions that came with it were so LONG and were never marked as such in game. (This is coming from the varied work in Healesville, to the much longer Wallangarra. Playing this game 'blind' has certainly been an experience.) I know the Flying Scotsman session has times at 100 mph, perhaps that could be your baseline? Maybe ask a dev about where they got their times from?
Hi Steams

I've just read your your post and i'm so greatful :)

I've only just bought T:ANE after previously using TS2009 and have just finished all the tutorials to get myself re aquainted with any changes.

I then started on the Free sessions that are available so this post has helped me very much as I didn't know that there was a list of the objectives by right clicking in the top right.

So Thank you very much :D

Kind Regards
