T:ANE Screenshot Save Location?


Purveyor of fictionals
T:ANE is confusing me with its screen-capturing.

I know that it's taking screenshots and that it is saving them somewhere, because when I go to the "Screenshot Review and Upload" screen under "Capture Screenshot" in the main menu bar in Surveyor, I can see them just fine. I cannot, however, find any indication of where these screenshots are being saved to.
Does this mean that all screenshots I take with T:ANE itself (not with another program) must be uploaded to the MyTrainz feed to be used in another capacity? It would seem not, and I hope not, but I can find nothing to suggest otherwise.

Thanks in advance!

You can find them in C:\Users\'name'\AppData\Local\N3V Games\TANE\screenshots

T:ANE is confusing me with its screen-capturing.

I know that it's taking screenshots and that it is saving them somewhere, because when I go to the "Screenshot Review and Upload" screen under "Capture Screenshot" in the main menu bar in Surveyor, I can see them just fine. I cannot, however, find any indication of where these screenshots are being saved to.
Does this mean that all screenshots I take with T:ANE itself (not with another program) must be uploaded to the MyTrainz feed to be used in another capacity? It would seem not, and I hope not, but I can find nothing to suggest otherwise.

Thanks in advance!
You can find them in C:\Users\'name'\AppData\Local\N3V Games\TANE\screenshots

Sorry but that ain't true here .........
I can navigate C:\Users\'name' ........... but there ain't no file called "AppData" in there to have anything that follows in it.
I may be able to suggest an even quicker method of finding the folder.

Because the AppData folder is hidden by Windows, use %localappdata% instead in Windows/File Explorer (or even just look under Trainz Settings > Install and copy and paste the location shown).

That worked, but still no 'screenshots' file, I get this ................

Usually, if I want a screenshot, I just hit the 'Prt Scrn' button on my kb & paste it into 'Paint', then save it to my 'Pictures' folder.
From memory, the screenshots folder gets created once a screenshot is taken. With T:ANE, I usually use the Take Screenshot option.

Trainz Settings > Install tells me 'build ijs2ao9p1', but I've checked every folder in there & still no screenshots.

I've just had a thought though, since I updated to this build, I haven't taken any screenshots, so would the folder only be created when I do, or
should it be there anyway ?

Scratch that, you beat me to it Shane. :D
Check all the build folders, shown in your posted image, for screenshot folders. These are the UserData folders of old or alternative installations.
