T:ANE Multiplayer Session - Maps Suggestions


New member
Hello Everyone,
I'm looking for anyone who is hosting a multiplayer server/would like to join a server. I might host one, but I have no clue what map to do. Any reccommendations?
It seems that for a multiplayer session to be used it needs to run 24-7. I did this for UMR in TS12 till the computer went south. It was used a lot and had around 8 to 10 on at one time from all over the world. I have created a Trainz version but have not been able to host it. <kuid2:394799:100108:4> UMR 2014 Summer Multiplayer Short Route Trainz V4 & <kuid2:394799:100109:5> UMR 2014 Summer Multiplayer Short Session Trainz V4. If this could be run 24-7 and posted on the form as being done I am sure there would be players.
Do which ever map you feel like playing. Maybe people will join you. UMR was fun, but its just too darn big. The last time I was on, I played for a solid 4 hours and never saw any of the other 3 people on the server. So unless you have 10-15 people ready to play, stick with smaller routes. I built a CMTMS3 route for T:ANE that has MP and is geared for 2-4 people. It's also quite a small route though.
Is there a way to have a dedicated multiplayer server?

Yes and no.

No there is no server.exe or anything like that to run.

Yes, because if you build a second computer, and buy a second copy of TANE, that can be used as a dedicated server. Much as what both Lewis and I have done in the past.
Going by memory, but I think there was an A&SLT route set in the Canadian Rockies for TS-12 that was a somewhat managable size. I enjoyed UMR but agree it is a bit big for 3-4 players. Perhaps all players could stick to one area of UMR at a time? I am interested in joining multiplayer, but due to a busy schedule, time is limited.
.... due to a busy schedule, time is limited.

It helps to organize things in advance. Like back in the day when I would host sessions I would announce on Monday that I would host a session on Friday at 5pm. That gave people to to download things and prepare for it. If someone where to start organizing something like that, it could be fun?
I would announce on Monday that I would host a session on Friday at 5pm.
If someone where to start organizing ... ?
Quoting Jib here, but the comment is more a general one:

Please o please, when you are going to organize something and you are going to announce it here on the forum: Include the time zone with the time.
This is a global forum and the people interested might live a bunch of time zones before or ahead of you.
Just bought Trainz: A New Era on steam and would love to participate in a multiplayer session, but my game is currently completely vanilla. What would I have to download to be able to join? Any routes or rolling stock? Will be paying close attention to this thread. Thank you.
What would I have to download to be able to join?
This will strongly depend on who is organizing which session on which route.
In many cases you will have to download the route and session (or you are lucky and they are on a built-in route). You don't have to download extra software; just content.
Since all this content is on the DLS, people without a FCT will be limited to downloading 100mb/day. So they will be unlucky with not able to download a route and session on time (but maybe nice for next time).
I have no clue which route(s ) are currently popular so I can't advise you which to already start downloading. If you have a FCT you could decide to download a recent version of the UMR, simply because it contains a lot of content that might be used in other routes, but that is a bit of a long shot.

In the past people using Steam and people using the N3V version were not able to play together. I don't know if this has changed. I also don't know how many (active) people have which version of the game.
It seems that for a multiplayer session to be used it needs to run 24-7. I did this for UMR in TS12 till the computer went south. It was used a lot and had around 8 to 10 on at one time from all over the world. I have created a Trainz version but have not been able to host it. <kuid2:394799:100108:4> UMR 2014 Summer Multiplayer Short Route Trainz V4 & <kuid2:394799:100109:5> UMR 2014 Summer Multiplayer Short Session Trainz V4. If this could be run 24-7 and posted on the form as being done I am sure there would be players.

Hello, I can't find on DLS list. I used old version but my Tane not show up multiplayer list, Not know why server is down or what is problem???

I see it as an unknown asset. Like many other assets in some routes.
Name is listed as unknown asset
I searched by kuid in the Tane ManageContent window.

When serching the web online download station, that kuid is missing.
It seems that for a multiplayer session to be used it needs to run 24-7. I did this for UMR in TS12 till the computer went south. It was used a lot and had around 8 to 10 on at one time from all over the world. I have created a Trainz version but have not been able to host it. <kuid2:394799:100108:4> UMR 2014 Summer Multiplayer Short Route Trainz V4 & <kuid2:394799:100109:5> UMR 2014 Summer Multiplayer Short Session Trainz V4. If this could be run 24-7 and posted on the form as being done I am sure there would be players.

Hello, I can't find on DLS list. I used old version but my Tane not show up multiplayer list, Not know why server is down or what is problem???


I see it as an unknown asset. Like many other assets in some routes.
Name is listed as unknown asset
I searched by kuid in the Tane ManageContent window.

When serching the web online download station, that kuid is missing.

Could you be a bit more clear about what "it" is?

IT, is actually both kuid's

They BOTH show as "unknown asset" in the tane trainz content window.
No version, no size, no name.

KUID <kuid2:394799:100109:5>
KUID <kuid2:394799:100108:4>
Boy did I make a typing error!! They are KUID <kuid2:394799:100109:4> and KUID <kuid2:394799:100108:3>. Sorry

hello thank for error, however this session <kuid2:394799:100109:4> has faulty dependencies "TTX Econo kuid2:164988:30066:3 ,list is faulty on "automatic coupler w/brake hose, front (dark) Kuid2:124017:5007:2 and it won't play on MP!!!
that why not show list mp

hello thank for error, however this session <kuid2:394799:100109:4> has faulty dependencies "TTX Econo kuid2:164988:30066:3 ,list is faulty on "automatic coupler w/brake hose, front (dark) Kuid2:124017:5007:2 and it won't play on MP!!!
that why not show list mp


I am not sure why there is faulty assets on your system but on mine they are fine. Anyone else showing faulty assets on this route or session?
I am not sure why there is faulty assets on your system but on mine they are fine. Anyone else showing faulty assets on this route or session?
hello I am in build 84356 , That weird??? I not sure what wrong on mine, you did faultyless content ?!?!!?!!?!!
