Look for a program called "Sharemouse" It allows you to use one keyboard and mouse between 2 or even more machines over an Ethernet cable connection. You will need a cheap switch in the setup and you then plug your modem into that and then each machine can down load. It allows you do a file swap between any of the connected machines. Plug your laptop in and run three machines.
Best thing since sliced bread. There are others that purport to offer the same but "Sharemouse" is the best I have found.
That sounds like a nice collaborative tool, which can make working on a route with another user quite doable. If one user, for example, is allowed to remotely connect to another user's PC while he is using Trainz, the remote user could then make changes to the route that is opened in Surveyor. This might be the answer to those people who want to work on a collaborative project. At the moment, this involves file sharing, uploading, downloading, and reinstalling the same route again then cloning again and again, to get the changes done between people.
While in the corporate world, we used an in-house-built system which was part of our email. We would conference call between various world locations, the Oracle division I worked at was part of several support locations in US, Canada, India, Australia, and South America. This system worked in a similar fashion, but it's very expensive for what we want to do.
At home I have setup Microsoft's Remote Desktop to connect my All-in-One Dell XPS-18 to my desktop. I've set this PC up in the living room downstairs and connected to my desktop upstairs. This let me share some work I was doing with some visitors without having everyone crowd around my desktop. With the screen maximized, and having a regular keyboard and mouse, it worked just like I was at my desktop. The speed, including frame rates, wasn't have bad either. It was a bit sluggish being over the Ethernet and wireless switch, but that's expected.