Surveyor textures


New member
I am wondering if there is a way to paint textures in squares or grids without spray-painting them amorphously. For example, if I want to create a parking lot alongside a building, I can create a square of a certain size, but can't seem to fill it with an asphalt texture. I can't find this in the Manual, but it may be somewhere. Thanks to whoever can help - Best, Michael in Iowa
In the Textures menu, go down to the bottom and click "Advanced". You can mark off a rectangle along the grid and fill it with your favorite texture.

:cool: Claude
You can find many textures as Splines or Panels.For instance theres a "Parking Lot Asphalt" Spline and "UK Tunnel Grass Spline" and Panels of Wheat and Grass.I had to make a Goods Platform and I used "Road Unmarked" (greenish grey) for the surface and then an identical Texture to blend into the ground surface.Its basically a matter of searching the DLS for E.G "Asphalt" and then finding the Splines (road symbol) or Panels (House symbol).