Surveyor 2.0 Panels and font size

Hi there, never used Surveyor 1 or 2.0. Is there a way to adjust the size of the panels. Would like to have a bigger image size in the Asset panel. Also the fonts sizes are too small, such as in the Layers Panel. Looking forward to learning to use Surveyor 2.0. Also I changed some of the Setting's, and saved. Didn't see where you could load your creation session with the new settings. The Settings reverted back to default settings.
You can go under the Windows menu and tick the Asset Preview window. It appears stacked on the right. Left click the title bar of the new window and drag it to the middle of the screen. Then hover the mouse over the bottom corner of the window until you get the double headed arrows. Left click and drag the window as big as you want.
Sorry, I don't know of a way to make the font bigger.

You can minimize the Asset Preview window using the Windows menu Minimise command. When minimized it is listed at the bottom of the Windows menu. Click it to reopen the window.