Suggestions Please


Get over it
I'm thinking of trying out some narrow gauge. All the screen shots that I have seen of narrow gauge has gotten me interested. I have NO narrow gauge items on my computer. What I'm looking for is a small but interesting route/layout with all the dependencies on the dls. In case I don't get into narrow gauge I would like to be able to disable the dependencies so that my computer is not cluttered with a lot of stuff that I won't be using. I also will need 1 or 2 loco's and some rolling stock. I'm using 06 but 04 is on my computer so either is ok. Any suggestions?
I'm thinking of trying out some narrow gauge. All the screen shots that I have seen of narrow gauge has gotten me interested. I have NO narrow gauge items on my computer. What I'm looking for is a small but interesting route/layout with all the dependencies on the dls. In case I don't get into narrow gauge I would like to be able to disable the dependencies so that my computer is not cluttered with a lot of stuff that I won't be using. I also will need 1 or 2 loco's and some rolling stock. I'm using 06 but 04 is on my computer so either is ok. Any suggestions?

Hi stouthm,
There is at least one narrow gauge route built in in TRS2006. Look for Northbay County. There are also items of rollingstock and about 4 or 5 scenarios to try out.


Bill69 pointed you in the right direction. Northbay is the way to start.

Actually, there are no scenarios with the route, they are all sessions, they tell you what you have to do and leave the 'doing' to you. You will find that Northbay is a bundle of goodies, you have interactive gold mines and coal mines, a working dry sort yard, and a log loader together with interactive log, ore and coal cars.

You also have a 2 ft gauge Garratt and a Shay if you like steam locos.

If you use that route as a starting point you can expand it into an empire, that is the beauty of Trainz, it is all yours to do what you like.

Just a thought, if you prefer TRS2004, all that content and the route will work in that version. It was made in TRS2004


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Northbay County is an excellent and fun route. Narrowgauge did not tell us in his post that he is probably the dean of narrow gauge modeling. Most if not all of his creations are available for free download on Trainzone - . Along with the output of a number of his narrow gauge developer colleagues.

It's not DLS, but there are some really fine and interesting NG models if you get interested.

Also at that site is a free download of Murchison M Logging - there is a version for 2006, I know, but I think there is one for 2004 also. It is a fairly extensive 36-in gauge interactive route with great scenery set in New Zealand.


Oooh! You do say the nicest things.

Seriously, you may have given the impression that Northbay was all my work, not so, it was the result of a frantic Trainz NarrowGaugers team effort, frantic 'cos we started late.

As a token narrow gauge route amongst all the standard gauge ones, it is something we are all very proud to have created. I find it strange that several times, people with TRS2006 ask about narrow gauge assets that are already built in. Perhaps it was named wrong.



D.o.T.N.G (Dean of Trainz Narrow Gauge) Cool! Letters after my name.
As a frantic effort, it is a GREAT effort. I did not know its history, but I have much enjoyed building my own day-long session for it.

I grew up in an area criss-crossed by the big roads of their day - Wabash, Monon, New York Central, Nickle Plate and had no acquaintance with NG. But when I was stationed in Germany not long after the war ended, I made a short trip into Austria and had a couple long rides on the original Toonerville Trolley. I thought "Man! -- this would be fun to run" When I think of narrow gauge, I think of that little train running along through forests on steep, rocky slopes, the coaches tilting sideways back and forth - don't even know the make or type of engine, but it was fun.
Another narrowgauge route for TRS2006 is, ahem, "Wild Bill II". It can be found on the DLS by CMP. I made it so I know it's there.

Thankz guys. When I first loaded 06 I had no interest in narrow guage but I did try NorthBay for a while but then I disabled it and all it's dependencies. Nothing against Northbay, just wasn't into narrow guage and I don't like things on my computer that I'm not going to use (many dependencies), I try to run a clean mean machine. Enough rambling, I will try Northbay again and maybe Wild Bill II if I get enough interest.
Hey Hiballer - I just installed Wild Bill II in TRS 2006 - looked around in the map in Surveyor - seems fine. But the CMP says there are 13 unknown kuids. I've manually searched the DLS for all of them -- no dice.

3 of them apparently come from Prowler901 - 43955:32000, :32002, :38003.

6 are Narrowgauge's - 44700:27990, :27991, :27993, :27995, :27996, :27998.

3 are identified as 9:21064, :21066, :21067

The final one is 102657:14:127

I've looked in Trainzone for Narrowgauge's, but cannot identify them if they are there - some TZ content shows Kuids, some doesn't.

If you have any clues as to where to look for these, I'd be happy to hear.

Looks like a well-sceniced, 3 ft guage route of a good size and varying topography for interesting sessions. It'll probably run just fine, but I'd like to include as much of your original content as I can.

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Wild Bill II works fine

Hi Hiballer and others - my previous post mentioned missing dependencies. Oddly, all of narrowgauges supposedly missing assets eventually showed up -- don't ask me how. In the end, the other 6 missing assets, still missing, apparently have no effect.

Of the nearly 700 dependencies that were never missing, 40 some are shown in the CMP as having faults. All but one of these is a nothing type of fault - extra line in the config file that the TRS ignored. As long as I had 'em open, I corrected each quickly and easily, but would not have had to do that. The one I could not correct (some gobbledegook error statements wouldn't tell me what the problem is) apparently has no effect.

Bottom Line - Wild Bill II works very well on my mid-range, 3 yr old computer - no stutter, no problems encountered yet.

It's a beautiful Rocky Mountains route of enough size to keep the trains running quite a while without running out of places to go or things to do. I followed Hiballer's advice and downloaded elvenor's engines - very worthwhile additions to my ng round house. While I was at it, I also downloaded a lot of his fine ng rolling stock and also a bunch of horse and buggy, stage coach, etc. "engines" that run on the invisible rail that winds around over Hiballer's map.

Be aware that this map does not contain interactive industries - but that can be addressed using Surveyor - the map itself is well worth the download.

One thing - if anyone wants to download elvenor's creations, use the CMP. It uncovered many times more of his assets than I was able to find in doing a manual search on his handle or on his user number. Now, that's a switch!!

Really glad you mentioned this route in this thread, Hiballer. If you get interested in ng, stouthm, I heartily recommend you try Wild Bill II.

Hey Hiballer - I just installed Wild Bill II in TRS 2006 - looked around in the map in Surveyor - seems fine. But the CMP says there are 13 unknown kuids. I've manually searched the DLS for all of them -- no dice.

3 of them apparently come from Prowler901 - 43955:32000, :32002, :38003.

6 are Narrowgauge's - 44700:27990, :27991, :27993, :27995, :27996, :27998.

3 are identified as 9:21064, :21066, :21067

The final one is 102657:14:127

I've looked in Trainzone for Narrowgauge's, but cannot identify them if they are there - some TZ content shows Kuids, some doesn't.

If you have any clues as to where to look for these, I'd be happy to hear.

Looks like a well-sceniced, 3 ft guage route of a good size and varying topography for interesting sessions. It'll probably run just fine, but I'd like to include as much of your original content as I can.


I'm having similar problems, but only had 10 shown as missing, they are all in your list. I had been downloading some of the free stuff from the narrow gauge sites so I must have picked up a few in the packs that I got.

Anyway I have found a fix for 102657:14:127.
If you do a search for 102657:14 you will find it, but CMP can't see it. You need to go to the download page and get it manually.

I hope we can find the other missing assets, because I like to see the route the way that the author intended it to be, even if I make changes later :)

I'll let you know if I find any more of them

I am very happy that you all have found the missing assets. I built Wild Bill II quite a while ago and all I can say is "things change". I changed back to TRS2004 for our work on the DHR, so I don't even have 2006 on my machine, and it has been gone for almost 3 years.

Now that the DHR is almost ready to go public, I will be taking a further look at WB2, but probably only adding scenery modules. Any trackside additions will be items that I've already put down on the map. I've learned my lesson in adding all sorts of hard-to-find content. The DHR will provide ALL content you will ever need to operate it from our site - not the DLS.

Hi Bill, still exploring around your layout, there is a lot to see.

Yes, it can be frustrating trying to find all of the content for a layout. it's even worse when CMP refuses to see items that are on the DLS. It must be very frustrating for TRAINZ newbies and I wonder how many of them just give up and maybe ditch TRAINZ altogether.

Looking forward to seeing the DHR, and not having to look all over the place for content will be a welcome change:)

Keep up the good work

Thanks for the kind words Alan. Have you found the Easter Egg yet? Hint: it's a cell phone tower on a hill. Pretty incongruous in the 1800's wouldn't you say?
