Suggestable lo-poly track please......


New member
Hello all,

I wish to change the track in a layout I've downloaded. The author states that the track is very hi-poly, therefore, I would like to exchange it. However, as I've done a search for lo-poly track on the forum and got over 400 pages to view as it threw up the 2 words, lo-poly, and track, so I don't fancy scrolling through all that little lot....:hehe:
So, I was wondering if anyone could suggest a lo-poly track please, preferably dual rather than single, and standard guage a must. I am using TRS2004 and the route is American, so something suitable would be very welcome, and I don't mind if it is on the DLS or a 3rd party website, all suggestions will be gratefully received.....

Thanking you in advance.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
If you select TRACK in the CATAGORY requestor, type LOW POLY in the TEXT search requestor, and choose the DESCRIPTION filter, you should come up with some choices.
If you select TRACK in the CATAGORY requestor, type LOW POLY in the TEXT search requestor, and choose the DESCRIPTION filter, you should come up with some choices.

Thank you David, I first did a search on the word poly, and got a lot of narrow guage stuff, hence my post this afternoon. HOWEVER, I didn't look in the description filter, so thanks for the suggestion sir...

And thanks as well DaveW, I found something from wiley4, and I've got used to Bernie's tact(ful)-less comments by now.......:hehe:

Cheerz all, many thanks for all your help.

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Consider using kuids 46162:38014 and 46162:38016 by Josef Pav. They are on the Download Station, are very kind on frame rates, look good and match most of the built-in bridges.

There is also a matching tunnel, 46162:38101, that is one of the very few that has sufficient height for double stack and autoracks.

Thanks a lot Phil, I've got all of Josef's tracks now, they're just the ticket....(pun intended) :hehe:
I didn't think about tunnels though, that's an excellent suggestion squire...

Cheerz. ex.
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