Does anyone know if there are any semaphore signals on the DLS which have a subsidary shunt signal on them? i.e a small arm used for shunting or calling on purposes.
Does anyone know if there are any semaphore signals on the DLS which have a subsidary shunt signal on them? i.e a small arm used for shunting or calling on purposes.
I have looked for the same thing when I first started mate.
There isnt any that i know of. The only semaphore signals with a calling on arm are in the "train driver" simulator.
Unfortuantly they dont actuallly work (on mine they dont anyway) the junction signals on that do work but you do nee dto edit the scripts slighty on them to get them to work correctly within Trs2006.
I dont know if anybody is planning a release of such a signal... but it would be fantastic if it was the case. But I'm not a regualar to these forums so someboyd else might be able to answer your question with a more indepth response.
If you type in "Natvander" into username on the DLS he does some Australian L/Q signals with smaller arms : most Oz signalling was done by the great UK signalling companies so his signals look fine fo UK lines except the Distant which has a red arm.Hope this helps...