Stuck Train


Active member
I have recently abandoned trs22 as beyond the capacity of my Mac and returned to trs19. My new route is functioning well, but I took a look at one of my old routes.
Everything looks fine, but trains keep sticking at one particular station. I have tried placing track markers, but they don't work either. If I manually drive the train a very short distance forward and Ctrl click continue schedule, it works perfectly. I can't see any obstacle. I have changed a Bridge Series bridge, whose profile seemed to extend a long way outside the actual bridge area for a normal bridge. I have change the station for another type. I am now at my wit's end.
Check the driver messages while in Driver. It could be something ahead that the AI sees well beyond where they are that's causing them to sit. You may need to place additional signals farther up the line.
I would make sure the next command, after the station load command, is a good one. The AI driver might not know what it is or where it is.
No driver messages. He just stops, loads and stays there. True: there is a long stretch of rail before the next station and there are a number of points (switches) to negotiate, but I have everything covered with track marks, and I can't see what the problem could be.
Same issue in 2022, so I went to 2019. Now I am once again nervous.
Loads coal, leaves the coal loader, go a few feet and stop. Placing a nearby trackmark no help. It never made it to the mark. So, now I just wait until the various numbers align and I see it in 2019.
No driver messages. He just stops, loads and stays there. True: there is a long stretch of rail before the next station and there are a number of points (switches) to negotiate, but I have everything covered with track marks, and I can't see what the problem could be.
This has been solved, from what I can tell in the current beta.