station problem


Certified Trainz Nut
got a minor problem on a small narrow guage line ive got, all trains regardless of what rolling stock i use keep stopping at the very edge of the station instead of pulling up in the centre of the platform.

any ideas what could be causing it? and how to stop it?

ive tried four different stations including the track only ones and no change:o
The loco's doing this arn't railmotors???
Cuase on the railmotors ive found the station considers the loco's and stops them 5 metres after the station:hehe: ....If its a normal sized train i dunno then.:)

no im talking a loco and rolling stock and dosent seem to matter which combination I use, all my other trains on the layout stop dead centre on the station except this line.
Big Fitzy

i have had this happen as well. what type of stations are you using ? i have been told its something to do with the station markers and settings but it can be altered on some stations.


ive tried both the oz stations, the standard station basic 40m which is working just fine elsewhere on my layout and another one which i cant remember.

something aint right
The 'DriveTo Station' command must be followed by a 'Load' command, otherwise the train stops when the first vehicle reaches the station.
When using the 'Direct Drive' option of surveyor this might happen, inspite of the right commands.

ok, they have all been single track station so bit hard to find which way the station runs not that that matters anyway as it pulls up at the very begging of evey station coming from both directions!

ive also tried the trackmark idea and that wont work either it tends to make the train drive to the mark, drive straight off again and load on the run.

and yes I have drive to station followed by load commands.

its ridiculous its set up exactly the same as the other two passenger trains on my layout and they stop in the right spot.:o
Try deleting the station and replacing it. I've had that happen before and this is what solved the problem. Remember if you do this, you need to update the driver commands because even though the "new" station is named the same, you'll still have a red X where the station was in the driver commands.

Good luck,

read back ive already tried 4 different stations!!!

ive got it working no wbut only by deleting the load / unoad commands and placing trackmarks at the station and driving to them, however now the train is refusing to "run around" at one end of the line.

seriously thinking of forgetting the whole layout its proving to be too much of a nuisance at this stage:(
problem is now sorted as of last night, dont know what it was but has fixed itself apparently, after 3 or 4 more dud runs it suddenly decided to "run wround"

damn thing, thanks fo everyones input much appreciated as always