Spring River Valley RR (fictional)


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Welcome to the Spring River Valley Rail Road which is a fiction railway located some where in central Pennsylvania, the layout is pretty simply as almost everything is located next to the Spring River in Spring Valley. The timeline of the railway is present day, it operates both as a commercial railroad and as a tourist attraction, which explains the various locomotives from different countries. This project isn't done yet still a work in progress, but in terms of length i'd say it is almost done.


The terminus of the line is in namely Spring River a small town of around 600 people.


Going south about a mile or so we come to Gemsbrook so far the smallest town along the line (pop. 100). Here in Gemsbrook the line branches off west towards Cella along the former Cella Central RR, which includes the Dutch Mountain Quarry.


Halfway between Gemsbrook and Cella is this nice little carnival, to the right is the junction that heads to the quarry.


The largest town along the line is Cella (p. 1,600) which is also the terminus for the Mt. Gab Narrow Gauge railway(for-front) (24''). The Spring River Valley RR does not reach into the city but terminates near the city limits at a small passenger station.
One of the advantages of having a small narrow gauge mountain railway, and your home dangerously close to a large dam it gives great scenery pictures!


