Speed control


New member
Hi, all!

I have TS2010, and I want to use the SetMaxDCCSpeed driver command to control the speed of a consist as it starts. I understand that I must use the InputTable rule which I have downloaded as well.

Problem: I can't figure out what to do now with either of them. Could someone give me a simple example with SPEED_VALUE at 20 KPH?

Thanks in advance,

Hi, all!

I have TS2010, and I want to use the SetMaxDCCSpeed driver command to control the speed of a consist as it starts. I understand that I must use the InputTable rule which I have downloaded as well.

Problem: I can't figure out what to do now with either of them. Could someone give me a simple example with SPEED_VALUE at 20 KPH?


Hi Thierry - I have only very recently received my TS2010 package but I have experience with TRS2004. I seem to recall seeing a reference to the command you mention, but am unable to locate it now.

To use the Input Table rule Add it to your session rules. Then Edit it.
Click add and at the message input field type in (exactly):
speed, v=20,u=kph

In TRS2004 I would have used a different driver command. There are several to choose from, the easiest being:

SetDCCThrottle which sets the throttle to a fixed position.
Follow that with TCDrive (Throttle Controlled Drive).
You can specify for how many seconds the train should drive. (you don't need the Input Table for this one)

There are many commands written by atilabarut, like VCDriveToTrackmark2 (Velocity Controlled Drive) which monitors the speed of the train. Using them is a bit more complicated, involving a couple of other driver commands.

The TCDrive versions don't control the speed, and it depends on the loco and the weight of the train and the gradient etc as to what throttle setting to use.

For instructions on how to use all these commands, look inside the config.txt file at the description field.

I am going to sleep now, it is 23:30 local time and I will only be able to look at the forum again tomorrow night. If you still need help, please post another message.

Cheers - Trevor
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