speed control


New member
I have made a small route. I placed speed signs around it, most of the way 60mph and in two places 40 and 20. The first time around my train followed the limit pretty good. Then I started it again (without making any changes) and this time the train never went over 37mph. What would cause the difference? How can I fix it?
You don't mention signals, I'm pretty sure that without signals on a route the trains run about half speed (usually)
could you be more specific? What signals and where to place them? I only have two road crossings in the layout and they have signal lights and lowering bars.

Signals at junctions and sidings. The AI is probably interpreting a turnout thrown against the route of the train ahead of the train and therefore is probably running as if in caution block. Getting a route signalled correctly can be a very time consuming effort, but well worth the effort.
But I have no junctions or sidings. As of right now all I have is a short , sort of , circular track with a passenger station on it and that's it so far.

Just insert a signal that you get from the trackside objects at each crossing. Your train should now do the limit. Also, are doing this in DCC or cab mode?
Unsignalled circular routes pose problems for the AI - it looks ahead and 'sees' itself and assumes another train in the block. The AI only looks ahead two junction/signals so if you place at least two junctions and at least two signals somewhere around the loop all will be well. If you REALLY don't want junctions and/or sigs use invisible track, invisible levers and invisible signals. The AI will know they are there, but you won't see them in 'Driver'....

Andy :)
Or you could just place a few speed signs at twice the speed that you want, then the AI would travel at half that which is the speed you want :)

Cheers David