hmmmm well this is a big change from my normal content so let me explain. in 2003 and 2004 i spent the summer in Innsbruck, Austria, i lived within site of both the citys major train station and would spend many days watching trains at the station or the trams that ran in the street in front of my apartment and developed a large interest in european railways. When i got trainz i set out to build a Austrian layout based on some plans for a never to be build model railroad
this was early on and i knew little about routebuilding and indisciminantly used textures and eventually i hit the limit, after that i set the layout aside and now and then tryed to find a solution. well this past thursday i had school off and had a brilliant idea on how to fix it, suprisingly this time it actually worked
. i then set out to completly redo the layout (or at least a small portion of it, most of it is a huge untextured mess
) here are the results.
