Skype Users


New member
I don't know if this is an old issue, but is there a list of people in Trainz who use Skype? It would be nice to talk over the phone with people of this community, and for free :-)
Mine is shesa64. If you use skype and see me online please don't hesitate to call...
Oh btw, don't let my nick to confuse you , I am a male :-) In Finland sh means "Registered nurse".

There was a list of people who used skype on the old forums.

But yet, might be good to start this one again.

Maybe change the title to 'people who use skype' or something similar though :)

My username is 'vr_s301'

EDIT: Oh yeah, some of us also have a skype icon in our posts, up where our 'location' is, and in our profiles :)
Hallo shesa

S301's idea is a good one which may get the attention of more Trainzers, so I changed the topic to help with that.


most people have their skype username in their profile. and I believe in the member list you can sort by skype name.

mine is hochgrafcameron

I'm a bit hard to catch, I often forget to change my status or log on...

Hi Skype users,:)

I am Matthew Route Builder for my route age 33 and live in the UK you are more welcome to add me if you like, support will be nice if you are a Skype user.

My username is mmanson9

user has ask me to go to british trainz forum but its not active enough for me during the uk timescale of 7 to 12 hrs and users come to this forum alot more.

I know the last post on this thread was sent on October 7th 2007.


Matthew :D
I am also a skype user. Pretty easy to communicate with me there, and of course you get to know a few more things about me this way :) .

My username is Enzo12456.