size of windows


New member
When ever I start up Trainz 12 the window is not a full screen, I have looked in the options and every where else I can think of, is there some where else I can look as I do not think it should be this much smaller, I think this is called windowed mode.

Any suggestions.


William Webb
The fullscreen option is in the Trainz Options box, accessed by clicking Options on the Launcher. It will be on the Display Options tab.

I have read your responses and thank you but my monitor size is1680 x 1050 32bit and I do see any place where I can adjust the game size window, I presume it should be under display but it is not.

William Webb
Are you looking in the box I referred to, not the in-game settings? Trainz may not support the resolution you are running at.

I guess I am not out of the woods yet, after doing the step above my desktop changed and some of my icons are gone, what did I do now.
Changing things there only affects the in game settings. Did you change anything else while trying to fix the problem?
This may happen whilst the game is running if it's having to use a lower resolution. It should fix itself afterwards - if not, use the Display Options or equivalent in Control Panel.

That is the weird thing I only adjusted he game setting my desk top was already at that resolution, now how do I get my missing icons on my desk top
That is the weird thing I only adjusted he game setting my desk top was already at that resolution, now how do I get my missing icons on my desk top

Right click on your desktop and choose View then Autoarrange at the bottom. Why this happens I don't know. It could have been caused by the application exiting and your video card not refreshing your desktop.

By a strip what do you mean? There is a menu bar across the top if that's what you mean. There is no full-screen without a title bar.

I run at the native resolution but windowed so I have access to the start menu and my desktop at the same time. This I suppose is the best of both worlds.

Thanks for your help, every thing is okay now I just moved the missing icons back to where they were.
Now if I could ask you another question , I do see an item that tells when I am a certain distance to the next station when running passenger trains.
Thanks for your help, every thing is okay now I just moved the missing icons back to where they were.
Now if I could ask you another question , I do see an item that tells when I am a certain distance to the next station when running passenger trains.

You're welcome.

The item you want is a driver session rule which is called MC Custom HUD. You add this to your sessions when you setup the drivers, etc.
