signal problem


New member
Since I can't post attachments I will try to describe what I did with my experiment. I decided to try a simple experiment because I was having so much trouble on my route that I am building. I took a blank block and put down track in a rectangle configuration almost across the block. I put up speed signs --65mph and 40mph in the corners. I then put a short train on the track and let the AI run it by just clicking on drive. The train followed my speed signs perfectly and things were good. I then placed another track 90degrees across my route and put up signals at the intersections from all ways. At this point this is the route with nothing else added and the speed signs are still there. My original train now runs at a steady 38mph and my new one across goes to the signal and never gets a green light so it just sits there while train #1 goes round and round at a steady 38mph. I am completely confused. If I can't make this simplest of all routes to work properly how can I possible expect a complex one to work?
Does anyone know what I did wrong?:confused: :confused:
What u did is it sounds like placing the new signals u left them in a track neds no signal ahead mode...

On the DLS in LAYOUTS theyre is a (signal layout) which bascially shows u the do s and donts to adding signals especially note the spline joints at junctions etc.....hope that helps....

If you're going to have crossing tracks then you need the diamond crossing rule from DLS. Not sure why the AI were at 38mph., it sounds like you didn't have any junctions to signal, just one long track run. I am only familiar with US block signalling not UK speed signalling.
This IS us signalling. Does it make a difference which signal pole I use? I have tried quite a few but it didn't seem to make a difference. I think the first gentleman that answered me means that I should take out the signals on track #1.

Do I have to download the diamond rule?
When you place signals they dont just work on the block ahead. They also look at the next signal. If the next signal is red then the first signal will reduce the speed by half. Placing signals needs to be worked with the junction directions as well. As you have a layout similar to a figure eight you will need a signal on the outer loop half way between the junctions to break the block and make the first signal see the new one and not the old junction one. The train on the cross section will sit and wait because the outer train never gives it a clear line to enter as you have it set up. My devon lines has some very compicated junctions and signals are placed around this section and not in it so they control the whole area and not just a single junction.
This IS us signalling. Does it make a difference which signal pole I use? I have tried quite a few but it didn't seem to make a difference. I think the first gentleman that answered me means that I should take out the signals on track #1.

Do I have to download the diamond rule?

Yes you do need to download the diamond rule as a crossing track is not the same as a diverging track.

On a closed loop you will need at the minimum three signals. They must be spaced far enough apart so the train does not overlap the block. The signal behind the train will show red for oncoming trains since the block is occupird by your train. The signal in front of the train will show green if there is another signal between it and the red signal behind your train.

Check out the signaling guide. With TRS04 click on the trainz manuals in the launcher then select signaling guide.

As far as which pole to use it depends on which ones the railroad you are modeling uses. If you are just building a route without following any prototype then use whichever ones you want. The guide will explain about absolute and permissives as well as which signals to use for diverging routes, converging routes, mid blocks and so forth. You have the choice of using searchlight, tri-colored, positional and semaphore.
The diamond rule is not needed as i think he means he has a single track acros the board connected to the single track around the board.
Chuck Brite's Midwest Central has some excellent tutorials on track laying including junctions and signalling. I'm not sure if he covers diamond crossings though. As I understand it Trainz perceives diamond crossings as if they were bridges or tunnels, i.e. as if the tracks didn't actually cross at the same level and therefore didn't interfere with each other at all. If you want to avoid the risk of collisions you need to put in a special junction (as described by other posters above) or some sophisticated coding.

Hope this helps a bit, John
Thanks everybody for the help. I have come to the conclusion (after reading trainz guide) that trainz does not support the kind of crossing that I made. When I deleted the cross track and made regular junctions (so that both trains used the same track for a little ways) it worked fine. I will try that tutorial that was mentioned. It never hurts to learn something new. Thanks again:)

Perhaps if you packaged the sample you tried to do and send to someone they can give you an answer to it. Id have a look if you wished.
Chuck Brite's Midwest Central has some excellent tutorials on track laying including junctions and signalling. I'm not sure if he covers diamond crossings though. As I understand it Trainz perceives diamond crossings as if they were bridges or tunnels, i.e. as if the tracks didn't actually cross at the same level and therefore didn't interfere with each other at all. If you want to avoid the risk of collisions you need to put in a special junction (as described by other posters above) or some sophisticated coding.

Hope this helps a bit, John

This is an awesome tutorial. I've add this to my favorites even though I am a somewhat 'seasoned' tracklayer. There are times when we all need to refer to the back to the manual for answers.

Thanks. I am in a real mess right now. My computer just crashed and as much as I hate to admit this, I had not made a backup of my route that I have been building and I lost everything!!!!!!!!!!!:( :mad: :mad: :mad: :eek: Now that this has happened I can give advice. IF YOU VALUE YOUR WORK BACK IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sitting here in the midst of my tears and calling myself all kinds of names, I think some of them haven't even been invented yet.

Oh well, guess I have some work ahead of me
Hey Sardon , all might not be lost.I lost my own self built route and some other routes I"d half built a few months.They"d gone completely.However a couple of weeks later they mysteriously reappeared.I don"t know if you have TRS2006 or 2004 but apparentlly CMP does something called "Rebuilding Assets".I asked here if anyone could explain this and nobody either would (or could).Hang tight and don"t Uninstall it.
Oh it's gone because I had to format my computer to get it back to work. There is no question about that. I will just have to accept the fact and start over.:(

Right now I am looking for the instructions for proper installation since I remember it has to be done exactly right. Those instructions must be around somewhere.
