Shunt signals


New member

On my layout, I have a main running stop signal with a shunt signal on the same signal post and I've tried so many way to get the shunting signal to work and still dosen't work which is really annoying.

Can someone help please?
Is this one of ChrisAW's signals? If so you need to use feather targets. The main post will correspond to a straight route and the shunt disc to a diverging one (whether left or right depends upon which side of the post it is mounted).
You could also try using these commands:

Set Selected Signal State v4,<kuid2:368725:60002:4>
Set Signal Ahead v2,<kuid2:368725:60003:2>

They will also make the built-in "Auran" UK signals show a call on aspect.
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I hate to say but I've tried the methods you first said and they don't work :(
also, with these 'kuids' how am I meant to get them?

If this doesn't work, could you possible do a video demonstrating this please?

Many thanks.

On my layout, I have a main running stop signal with a shunt signal on the same signal post ...

Is this one of ChrisAW's signals? ... The main post ... and the shunt disc to a diverging one (whether left or right depends upon which side of the post it is mounted).

Please can you point me towards these signals, I'm looking for a UQ semaphore home/starter with shunt disc (not just small arm), but can't find any.

Edit: Like the left hand side of this image from flicker

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Brilliant pic!

The item that I want to get working properly is actually a SR rail built home signal with it, a shunt signal on the same post.
I've got the Kuid but what am I meant to do with them next?

You might already have worked out how to do it but just in case you have not:

By going into Edit Session, then click on "Edit Session Rules" (button top left) you will find a rule called Driver Command. Click on it then Edit at the bottom of that screen. Scroll down the list of commands until you fin the set signal commands, click on the box at the side of the command. The command will now appear in the list of commands for your drivers in Driver.