Should telephone poles be placed a uniform distance from roadways?

I think I'll stay out of this one - There's just too many poles to count, and we all know every layout must have a pole hidden somewhere.

Now that's a thought, has anyone created an asset of 'Invisible Poles'? There is probably a need for one.

This is getting out of hand!

Yah know! Where I come from we have a little saying:
"don't ever bump into anything.........................................ever!"
Believe me we observe that. However, safety observed, we will give a 'bump' here or there.
Noah was not without compassion...............he was concerned....................and probably in a hurry.......................
Yeahhhhhhh! Why are you picking on Polish People........................................
Shame on You...........................................
Have you no respect for you elders.................................................
Sin berguenca....................................
Aparentlly you don't know we were here with the first Jamestown Expedition.