Share layout / backup


My 1st attempt at a *layout*. Would like to share it with anyone who wants to download a copy. Ain't got a clue how to do it? Also I would like to find where the file for it is in my computer system as, after all the hard work, would like to additionally back it up?

*(Basically it is a UK scenario: main line station / 6 platforms / part 3rd rail / branch line / steam + diesel sheds / coaching sidings / coal depot / freighliner depot / roadways / town / village / large 'off scene' shunting/sorting area etc.)*

Any advice/comments appreciated. Thanks

If it is on TRS2006, then there is a folder called local in (default path) C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2006. This folder contains all of your assets. The subfolders will have wierd names that CMP assigns when it unpacks everything, but the important thing is to back up this folder. There is also a file in the TRS2006 folder called assets.tdx. This is the file that tells CMP where everything in the Local folder is. CMP will run without it, but it will rebuild it if it is missing. However, it is still easier to back this file up along with the local folder. There may also (unlikely if you have SP1) be a file in the cache folder called assets.bku. This is a backup of assets.tds. If assets.tdx is lost and you don't want to waste time rebuilding everything, then you can change the name of assets.bku to assets.tdx and place it in the TRS2006 folder.

To put items onto the DLS, go to your planet Auran profile. There should be an opton there entitled "My Content" (or similar). Click on that and follow the instructions.

I may be wrong on parts of this, and as such I welcome any corrections.
When you say you want to share your layout, how formal about that do you mean? From what I read in other posts, uploading an asset to the DLS can be quite cumbersome and time-consuming and is something you do when you are pretty sure you have any bugs removed.

This may be the blind advising the blind, since I have not done this operation for real (exchanging with anybody else), but in the CMP there is an option to save an asset of your own making as a .cdp file. This could then be shared with someone else who can download it from your site or to whom you could send it as an email attachment. CMP also has an Import .cdp menu item so that the person you send it to can install and commit it to his Local file.

The Save to Cdp command is located on the local menu that you get when you have an asset selected (highlighted) in the main CMP window. Right click and the local menu opens. Left click on Save to Cdp and you get a regular Windows Save dialog in which you give the selected asset a name and it saves as a .cdp file.

This is probably what you would want to do as a first step - send your layout to somebody else for testing and suggestions for improvement before considering it for final submission to the DLS.

I'm no expert, have built nothing but preliminary, beginner routes of my own, but I would be happy to receive an email from you with a .cdp file attachment and take a look at your route strictly from another user's standpoint.

My email address is in Planet Auran under my moniker, mononlaf.

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Thanks Captain

Thanks Captain.
Sorry for the delay in replying, but I must have tempted providence and had a bad comuter crash couirtesy of Malta electricity. Thanks to a wonderful program called Acronis and a whizz kid friend, I got the lot back intact. I have followed your advice and backed up the relevent files separately as well. Thanks a lot for your help

May I suggest you invest in a UPS (unninteruptible Power Supply)?
These nifty gadgets make sure that you never have a crash from electricity faults. They're basically like big batteries that have line conditioners and things on them to make sure that all of the electricity that reaches your computer is at the correct voltage and frequency.

If you do, then make sure you get one that can handle the power consumption of all the stuff you plug into it.

Anyway, glad to hear you got it working!