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Why do some buildings cast shadows, some, well... try to, and others just pop off for a pint? What can I do about it? all settings are at mid level. Build 128486

I don't have TS22, but I'd guess you should try increasing all the settings to as high as your PC can stand, especially those concerned with shadows, and see what happens.
well that's baffling... If i set a global setting, I would expect it to affect all things, not just some of them...
There is a setting in the asset configuration that allows controlling whether it should cast shadows or not (independently for each Level of Details, a.k.a LOD). The asset author can also control the number of LOD levels and the drawing distance for each of them. Taking everything into account, it means that different assets can behave differently, especially on lower graphics settings.

Also, the building to the right casts some shadows (window frames, chimney) - it looks like some kind of misconfiguration in the asset itself.
Here's the flag
Means if nobody touch this flag the objects cast shadows by default.
So you have to put does-cast-shadows 0 to to the config.txt to prevent shadows. I think this topic has nothing to do with the strange effect we saw in the original post. It also has nothing to do with LOD, because this flag always affects the whole mesh of a LOD and not parts of it.

For me it looks more like a mistake in the mesh itself. Seems the normals have the wrong orientation.
Means if nobody touch this flag the objects cast shadows by default.
So you have to put does-cast-shadows 0 to to the config.txt to prevent shadows. I think this topic has nothing to do with the strange effect we saw in the original post. It also has nothing to do with LOD, because this flag always affects the whole mesh of a LOD and not parts of it.

For me it looks more like a mistake in the mesh itself. Seems the normals have the wrong orientation.
I agree with what you said. I did not say that this is the reason in this particular case (in fact, I pointed out that there are some shadows, so there must be something wrong elsewhere). I just wanted to show that the asset authors have a lot of control over different rendering aspects and the game engine usually just does what it is said to do - in this way or another.
Why do some buildings cast shadows, some, well... try to, and others just pop off for a pint? What can I do about it? all settings are at mid level. Build 128486
This definitely looks like a mesh issue to me, as another noted probably the actual faces are pointed inward and then 'flipped' or made double sided. Not much that can be done without repairing the actual mesh in this case.
