I figured out why my frame rate is so bad… the shadows make it really bad, even on the low shadows. Is there a setting that I can change to allow me to use shadows while having good frame rates?
You could try to turn your water quality to low or disable pbr textures. Those have been what has fixed choppy framerates for me. Could also be TRS22 SP4 and your pc not agreeing with each other.
You could try to turn your water quality to low or disable pbr textures. Those have been what has fixed choppy framerates for me. Could also be TRS22 SP4 and your pc not agreeing with each other.
You could try to turn your water quality to low or disable pbr textures. Those have been what has fixed choppy framerates for me. Could also be TRS22 SP4 and your pc not agreeing with each other.
Go to performance and set your shader quality to "Basic". Basic used to be the old Standard setting in previous versions. This will turn off the PBR effect and the load it puts on your video card. I prefer this because it also removes the jellyfish guts effect.
Go to performance and set your shader quality to "Basic". Basic used to be the old Standard setting in previous versions. This will turn off the PBR effect and the load it puts on your video card. I prefer this because it also removes the jellyfish guts effect.