Shadow Glitch


KRR Route Builder
This weird shadow glitch seems to keep happening when I operate JR's ACF Hoppers and some 50' Boxcars on JR's High Detail Track. It seems that the shadow from the the car goes over the top of the rails as seen here:
I hope someone has a solution to this problem, because I want to operate Grain Elevators on my route, but not have to worry about this glitch.

Cheers, Qaz
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If you want to share an image, it has to be uploaded to permanently online site. Then you link to that site in your message to show the image.
Well, he's attached a pic, so could we have some help? Not trying to be rude, but i have this problem too, but in a thread i made a while back, i never got an answer. I'd love to get this fixed.
On some computers OpenGL can cause this to happen in TS12, some weird way that openGL works, at least on some computers, having somthing to do with alphas alphaing everything around them. I had this happen with my computer, and so far the best and only fix, for me at least, is to transfer over to DirectX. I'm not sure what your circumstances are but that looks to be the problem to me.
This weird shadow glitch seems to keep happening when I operate JR's ACF Hoppers and some 50' Boxcars on JR's High Detail Track. It seems that the shadow from the the car goes over the top of the rails as seen here:
I hope someone has a solution to this problem, because I want to operate Grain Elevators on my route, but not have to worry about this glitch.

That is due to the fact that the asset implements its own shadow as a surface included with the main mesh. The surface is a flat plane underneath the car at the level of the track. It should be textured as mostly transparent. For some reason in this case it has become mostly opaque.

You should confirm that the texture used for the shadow portion of the asset mesh is 32-bit .TGA. It will usually be black or grey, very transparent at the edges and less so towards the centre. If you set it completely transparent it disappears.

If the texture for the asset is correct then you have an issue with transparency in general, but that would be visible in other cases - for instance, on the brake wheel for many cars where it is implemented as a solid disk with transparent segments.
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