Several Questions for TS12 World Creation purposes


New member
I'm trying to find high quality/resolution ground textures, decent models of cars/trucks/buses found in the United States, and animated models of people to make my world look as beautiful as possible.
Can anyone recommend certain authors / collections to use?
Also, can somebody please instruct me on how to customize what cars will appear on road splines as actual traffic?

Sorry to ask for so much in one post, but I'm trying to get as much help / info as I can in one place. The project for my world is humungous... :o
There are so many authors with lots of really great stuff among the ones that come to mind are:

Dave Snow whose items are on the DLS.

Then there are those free building and stuff available from Jointed Rail

For automobiles, check the DLS. There are JCARs - Japanese cars which are fine for modern roads since they are Hondas, Toyota Camrys, and even some American cars such as Camaros, small box trucks, etc. HP Trainz's Lothar Hake has uploaded multitudes of automobiles up to the DLS, and there are many, many others.

For people and animals, check out those that have been updated by msgsapper. These are originally by Neoclai, a Russian content creator. Neoclai's website, which I can't find the link for, has flocks of birds, animated cows, and much more.

And finally, you need to create or modify a region for your cars to run in. Again, Dave Snow comes to the rescue with his modified US region. Look on the DLS for this and many others by other people.

I hope this helps as this only scratches the surface of what's out there.

Much appreciated. Gonna have to spend a weekend or two just sifting through the DLS, but I'll go to Dave Snow and msgsapper content first. Thank you!