Setting up trackside signals in TS12


Hello all,

Now I already know how to set up the ATLS RR Crossing Signals. But how do I set up a WORKING signal system on a big route???? Which area would I set them up at???? What signals should be used???

From what I understand, the basic signal rule is:

Never proceed through a RED light
YELLOW means be prepared to stop
and GREEN means it's all clear

My final question is how do I set up the triggers for the signals????

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thanks in advance,

On a basic set-up, just place the signals where you think they should be. The consist will trigger them as it passes the signal. All you have to do is place any main signal, and move your consist over it. Look as it changes to red just after passing. Keep moving the consist to pass the next signal. As it gets to the next, the one before will change to yellow and this next one will turn red. It follows the basic logic of CTC, and we all tried this when we first got into the hobby. Later you can get into triggers to control signals and at that point the sky is the limit on what you can do: Use your imagination.
Technically on certain setups you can proceed at a red signal but only at a certain speed. Signals are crazy and confusing to me still to this day, but I am learning.