Serkanner's first lay-out

Nice lay-out Serkanner! It looks great. Just add some weeds and grass.


Is that loco in the last pics on the dls?

Hi Brad,

Thanks for responding. I try to refrain from adding too much grass and weeds to save some FPS and keep the route playable.

The loco is the DR BR 91 made by Yojimbo. It is not yet on the DLS as it is a beta version but can be obtained: HERE
Your welcome Brad,

I have some more pictures of this great engine in stock ... here are some more.





The route itself is progressing very well ... I am working on board 17 out of the 25, and although I will probably not make my self set deadline of Januari first I think I will manage to get it released at least in Januari. Till then I will post more screenshots, and any questions about the route I will gladly answer.
Your welcome Brad,

I have some more pictures of this great engine in stock ... here are some more.

Serkanner did you post old pictures or did you forget to update the main bogie of the 91. I can still count four driver wheels.


in-game shot of revision 10​

Now you can have your thread back ;)
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They are old pictures Yojimbo ... I took them before you kindly pointed out that an update was availabl. I have since uploaded the engine, but I liked these pictures too much to withhold them from public.

Feel free to break-in any time, its much appreciated ... :)

Now I am posting I might as well add some more pictures. Here we see one of Cebenpeter's BR 44's ... one of my favorite "Einheitslokomotiven".




Dankjewel Huubbaar voor je bezoekje, wordt erg op prijs gesteld :)

Another two pictures of the BR 44:



And a Dutch DMU made by Stevado



It has been a while since any update on my project called EKRO ...

Nevertheless work has continued on the EKRO-bahn and its "base" of app 25 boards is in its finishing stages.

Of course I would like to have this work released to others to enjoy too. The only thing I don't know yet is wether it should be for free or should I ask people ( unrightfully ) to pay money for it?

Why don't you, the visitor of this topic, help me to solve this issue by expressing your opinion about this. To help you a bit during the decision proces ... here are some more screenshots of the lay-out.





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Nice shots Serkanner.
I thought you had a pause in your EKRO ambition. Nice to see you're able to post again. Although I would love to see these pics on our regular site. (but he I might as well had my eyes shut and simly did not see them)

Ok_liW (just read backwards) :)
I have also thought about the route some more. The release will be somewhere in april/may now I guess, because I want to expand on my initial plan of just releasing a "base route" into a route with some "gameplay". This demand though that I have to learn a bit or two about industries and stuff and that will take some time.

However I have made a decision about wether or not the rout should be payware or Freeware ... why not both?

The things works as follows. All people who would like to have the route and never tried to sell custom content to other users will get the route for free. People who have tried or sold custom content to other users will have to pay for the route ... how? Very simple: by releasing a payware item to the Auran DLS.

Sounds like a good idea to me and I will include this in the user license of which we all now that especially payware makers will take good notice of and not abuse it.

I also have some pictures to show left .... it is ascreenshot topic afterall.




That is it for now ... have a lot of work to do with the new German arm signals ... fantastic stuff!
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Even though i don't show much interest for foreign items, i must say, Well done!
Just as some 'Helpful' Critisim. You might, want to change out the junction levers, as they are very bland.

Sean A.
TER Route Builder