Serious Problem Installing T:ANE


33 Year Old Railfan
Okay, I know that it's been two months since it's release and I'm just now installing it. Here's the problem: I'm installing T:ANE and this appears:

C:\Program Files\N3V Games\TANE\resources\builtin\sc025d_1\content\kuid 87145 28076 1.tzarc

An error occurred while trying to copy a file:
The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.

Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.

I clicked Retry several times, but the same problem occurs. I must note that I've got the Boxed edition. However, this did not occur when I downloaded T:ANE CE.

Given that this didn't occur with T:ANE CE, and that I'm installing this on the same computer that I downloaded T:ANE CE on onto, this appears to be a problem with the CD. Should I send it back to have it replaced or something else?

Put in a helpdesk ticket ASAP. This is probably a faulty disk and they will send you out a new set.

I'm not so sure it's a faulty disc - that would normally produce a CRC error.

There are two possibilities I can see - either a problem with the DVD drive or a possible hard disk fault.

I'm not so sure it's a faulty disc - that would normally produce a CRC error.

There are two possibilities I can see - either a problem with the DVD drive or a possible hard disk fault.


And how do I figure out which one is causing the problem?

EDIT: I've also got Railroad Tycoon 3 installed, and it requires the disk in order for it to work. I'll pop the disk in and see if it'll start with no problems.

EDIT #2: Railroad Tycoon 3 started up just fine. Therefore, it's not the DVD drive.
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Most of these errors when installing TANE DVDs are caused by some of its Setup*.bin files having been corrupted during burning them to DVDs, made evident by the installer by either reporting that it can not copy particular ones for whatever other reason. like CRCs !

In my case it was 3 Setup*.bin files on the DVD-2 disk and sending just those electronically is a lot cheaper for N3V than supplying DVDs and paying for air-mailing them !

Zec of N3V support is aware of it, having followed my suggestion to supply just the faulty ones a user can make him aware of and he is using the FREE for downloaders DROPBOX !

Good Morning Otto
I am very pleased to hear that the replacement files have worked.

We would prefer that the files are not hosted on external websites, as not all discs will use the exact same files. If anyone has issues with their discs, we would ask them to contact us so that we can either provide a replacement disc, or access to the specific file that is not working. Most discs only show this issue on one file (generally setup-1d.bin), and as such generally this is the only file that needs to be supplied.

Kind Regards

N3V Games Support Team